Only Musharraf could have made lawyers popular. No law, no liberty.
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Lahore of BabylonOnly Musharraf could have made lawyers popular. No law, no liberty. November 6th, 2007 |
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Apparently their mothers have always loved them. I kid you not.
They havent quite got the hang of this street fighting thang though.
I saw one on the news throwing rocks at the police,
Comes naturally to them I guess!
Not again. Has no one learned anything from the last Palestinian elections? And Hamas does not have nukes (yet).
You surprise me, Pakistanis are cricket nuts – you’d have thought they’d be pitching a few googlies at the copper’s goolies. Or have they spent too much time tampering with their rocks?
So, W has told Condi to give Musharraf sartorial advice… Maybe she could also tell him to lose the syrup?
You do though hit the nail square-on. I do not care about the Pakistani “democratic process”, the time-table of elections, the suspension or otherwise of the constitution or whether General Musharraf turns up to work in a uniform, in a muu-muu or a rather austere black trouser suit (a la Condi). I don’t care about anything other than the prospect of the beards getting their paws on nukes.
Would it be possible to use this chaos to snatch the nukes somehow? Perhaps with Musharrafs connivance – with him getting rescued as part of the deal. I know I’m in Spec Ops dreamland here but… the likes of the Red Mosque crowd having nukes gives me the Duke Ellington’s.
Thanks, Nick, although I totally botched the quote thingy.
Duke Ellington?
I just made it up. It sounds about right. “That Halloween Prank gave me the right Duke Ellington’s!”
Not to be confused with the Ertha Kitts.
It gives you the Wellingtons Nick?
I couldn’t use underarm cos the punchline wouldn’t work 😉 Besides Lawyers, being showoffs, are all batsmen, not bowlers.
If the beards get their hands on the bomb
It scares the Ertha Kitts out of me too!
Democracy is overrated – the rule of law MUST co e first, or all else will be a travesty
Shouldn’t that be Eartha Kitt?
Na! that’s the new Gaia doll
by Mattel…
LOL!!! Eat that, Mattel!
Bowling underarm? They must have studied law in Australia, ask any kiwi.
My friends surf in some mighty strange places 😉
Bloody Hell, Alisa! That’s one ugly doll. And 75 bucks. Ah well, it’s means less cash for the GROLIES to spend pissing the rest of us off.
But if you want a really scary doll, try this.
I don’t know if when you pull a string it shouts “Admiral Ackbar!” and then blows up but that would be most excellent marketing. A truly devout kid could get through literally hundreds… Not to mention they’d need the Wrecked Pizza Hut Play Set with the optional “Body Parts Accessory”.
You could even cross-market in sets of 72 to little boys who have a “Jihadi Joe”.
Of course there is always this, courtesy of Viz.
That last one is a winner!
When I briefly worked in advertising, we had a client called Compton & Woodhouse.
Christ were they a nightmare!
See nobody under 50 buys this commemorabillia crap.
And the clientelle tends to be those sort of couples who call themselves “Mummy” and “Daddy” even though they have never had children.
They could never send out a plate or figurine on time, and the complaints department was always snowed under , especially at xmas.
The sound of lower middle class morons sobbing over the phone because their parachuting Princess Di figurine has not turned up in time for their golden wedding, is not a pleasant thing to behold.
We dropped them in the end.
You should read Viz – they lampoon “Crompton & Woodlouse” (their version) all the time. I’ll scan some of the better ones if you want. Same goes for you Alisa. They actually genuinely made and sold some of them such as the “Princess Diana Full English Breakfast Plate of Hope”.
Yes I should Nick.
No lie here. We used to refer to them as
Incompetent Woodlice in house…
Call centre operative to Viz cartoonist. Perfectly natural.
You’d be suprised how many “Resting” rock musicians you’ll find in such places.
When you see the stuff up close, it is utter utter crap!
I’m very suprised they are still in business.
Just in case you’re sad that no one noticed the title to your post… I did. Had to have a drink afterwards.
Natalie, I did too. Good thing I was not drinking at the moment.
I was surprised that such shite-mongers are still (ever?) in business but then when I answered the phones for BT for a living… I was amazed at how behind the times folk still are. I peeled the scales from the eyes of many who thought that an iffy telephonicater meant a visit from a BT Engineer rather than a trip to Currys. The first time it floored me but I got used to it… “You mean I can actually just buy a telephone?”, “It must be frightfully expensive!”. Err… no. There’s fuck all in them and they cost under a tenner (more if you want one shaped like Homer Simpson, obviously).
You would be staggered at how backward so many people are. They’re total fucking idiots who holiday in Blackpool (been there three times, each worse than the last – once with the family, once with “the lads”* and once to visit my wife’s senile Grandmother) and I reckon a week in Blackpool would cost me more than a week in Florida. A pint (and ya need ’em) costs more than London prices. It’s abysmal though if you really want to buy a baseball cap with a plastic turd on the bill then it’s definitely the place.
* The details of which I shall not divulge in an open forum but suffice to say it involved a morbidly obese woman with a strategically placed hole in her tights.
Let me guess?
She robbed post offices and did fellatio?
Why can’t we get phones shaped like Homer Simpson here? I’d get landline service again if there were a Homer Simpson phone in it!
Dare! Dare!
She robbed post orifices and performed horatio. Well, she rehearsed anyway, I don’t think you could call that a performance. Oh, who am I kidding? I just fingered her while the DJ played Blur’s Country House. And she was sweaty as fuck. I have done even more regrettable things. Mainly in Leeds.
Look on eBay.
As a longtime successful art connosieur, I find your comments about Compton & Woodhouse totally erroneous. Obviously, you disliked your job and justify your bad feelings by dumping on a respectable business. I’m sure the owners of Compton & Woodhouse make you feel inferior and jealous because they have a very profitable business commissioning investment quality porcelain figurines from world class designers. Get a life, kids. Your sniveling and swearing only publicize your lack of purpose in life. Cheers, Mary