Not this kind of back up though.
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Back up while you sleepNovember 1st, 2007 |
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If you can do that with a gunrack, can’t you do the same with a rack server and thus save further embarrassment? Would echo Samizdata quite well I feel – a bed with a gun rack neatly above a 1U backup server.
Heh, God bless America!
I particularly loved “some people are buying one for each side of the bed!”
Yup, there is nothing quite like a shared goblin kill to solidify a marriage 😀
America. Fuck, Yeah!!
Waste of money. Just take your sword, in its scabbard, and stick it between mattress and springs. Leave the handle sticking out. Pull forth for emergencies.
Why, when the burglars see the bulge, they will ask “Is that a sword under your bed, or are you just glad to see me?”
You can grin madly, teeth glimmering in the gloom, and say “YES!” as you brandish.
Not as practical with kids in the house, but OK otherwise. I’ve seen holsters of the same type pattern for your pistol…fit into the side of lounge chairs and sofa’s also.
I bought 3! I needed one for the foot of the bed too. Well…back to pistol practise..ciao
Shotguns are soooo 1930’s. Wake me when they make one for an M-4A1 or Mk-18 or a Hello Kitty AK-47.
well, leaning them against the wall between the bed and the nightstand and the bed works fine – you can put a mossberg 500A, rock river AR and a WASR all there no problem