Important data on the meaning of curves and wiggles.
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A key breakthrough in scienceImportant data on the meaning of curves and wiggles. November 9th, 2007 |
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How much grant did these “scientists” get for this blinding insight?
I could have told them the same for next to nothing.
When my wife ovulates she walks like a scaffolder, but inside the house she is like jelly on a spring!
Well, RAB got in first and I’ll be buggered if I’m having a Welshman’s sloppy seconds… But… Lorks a lordy… they paid people to do this? Jesus Horatio Christ on a sustainably developed unicycle! I mean I was once funded by the government to look into whether type Ia supernovas were the product of deflagration or there was indeed a transition to detonation. I also had a strong interest in female-wiggling but I fully understood that to be entirely on my own time.
“Ms Provost said: “If women are trying to protect themselves from sexual assault at times of peak fertility, it would make sense for them to advertise attractiveness on a broad scale when they are not fertile.”
???? That suggests that women do feel they need to protect themselves from sexual assault when they are not fertile. I do hope Amanda Marcote doesn’t see this: she’d have conniptions.
I especially liked the bit about them “keeping their knees closer together”
No fooling Sherlock!
I still have a strong interest in wiggling though my interest in type Ia supernavae has diminished somewhat.
They’re not scientists RAB! They can’t be. I was employed as a scientist to write fluid dynamics code in FORTRAN. That’s science and it isn’t fun. Watching girl’s buttocks isn’t a job, it’s more a way of life.
Buttocks are such a funny thing. I would cheerfully crawl over the lot of ya to get to fondle Kylie’s but Anne Widdecombe has an ass I do not care for. I may care for some of her policies but… I don’t care about her in the ass department. Now if I could have access to the ass of [censored] and do [censored] that would be a very different thing and [censored] Bonham-Carter would at least have a smile.
Buttocks are such a funny thing. I would cheerfully crawl over the lot of ya to get to fondle Kylie’s…
You’d have to get past me first, matey.
And why can’t I get a job watching women’s bottoms? Truly, life is not fair.
You don’t get Kylie’s ass. It is the last piece of territory the English Empire (you’re a Jock, right?) will ever cede. Falklands, the hell with ’em. Gibraltar, bugger it, Kylie’s ass ditto. Kylie’s ass is worth more in the Great War on Terror than a whole squadron of B-2s (and is infinitely more kissable). This video alone is worth an entire wing of B-2s… It’s the sort of thing to make the Islamotards blow a gasket. That is one war-winning ass. That is an ass to kill for. That is an ass to die for. That is a quality ass.
Nick M, you say: “Kylie’s ass is worth more in the Great War on Terror than a whole squadron of B-2s (and is infinitely more kissable).”
I would generally agree, but… “Pooh always liked a little something at eleven o’clock in the morning, and he was very glad to see Rabbit getting out the plates and mugs; and when Rabbit said, “Honey or condensed milk with your bread?” he was so excited that he said, “Both,” and then, so as not to seem greedy, he added, “But don’t bother about the bread, please.”
Can’t we have BOTH Kylie and a whole lot of B-2s? Would make for one interesting video, in my humble opinion, and would pack some tactical punch.
Nick: are you trying to tell us that Kylie has a nice ass? As to the report, I am speechless.
English, Nick? I think John Howard might have something to say about that. He strikes me as a bloke who appreciates a well-turned buttock.
(The six wonders of Oz, in order of greatness: Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, The Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock, Mount Panorama, and Kylie’s arse.)
Nicks comments are nothing more than the attitude which won the English that empire in the first place. Basically, if the English want something they just take it, regardless of any other claims.
After all, they only gave the empire away again because they got sick of everyone else whining. It is not as if the people they gave the bits back to were in any way related to the people they took it from in the first place.
With the possible exceptons of Swaziland and Brunei.
Countingcats, whatever your comments have to do with my rather lighthearted post is a total fucking mystery.
It was in reference to Nick M’s attempting to claim Kylies (Australian) ass as a modern Imperial posession.
Brits can have Anne Widdicombes generous curves, but I prefer we in Oz keep Kylies for ourselves.
I may have grown up as an Anglophile and Child of Empire, but in this case – hands off.
All of ya! Kylie’s ass belongs to nobody but Kylie and I would not deny her the benefit of those delicious buttocks. They are not the possession of the British Empire, and neither does John Howard have suzeranity of those devine glutamous maximi. Now, if Ms Minogue was prepared to grant me visiting rights…
The B-2s are the tools we use to fight. Those gorgeous cheeks are why we fight! Interesting video? Whilst I carry no candle for Cher I do have a soft-spot for the video where she straddles the 16″ guns of the USS New Jersey whilst wearing little more than my imagination suggested.