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Is this perhaps a collective of 2CV owners, bolstered by smug Prius owners and the occasional furtive Gwiz electricity thief?
Does this have any roads in it, or is it just a collection of cycle routes?
I was wondering kind of the opposite, at least for some of the higher-ups at Philip’s. Are they touring the globe in their private jets producing more carbon than just about any average citizen could dream of… like Gore, Hollywood, etc. telling the taxpayers what needs to be done to offset, carbon?
This green stuff might be idiocy of the highest order, but as the organic food movement has shown, there’s money in it. I bet they’ll shift loads of these atlases, and Philip will be laughing his way to the bank.
The new edition(Link)
The Philip’s Green Road Atlas, £12.99.
The unsafe G-Wiz, £7000.
The Ballad of Flanagan’s Ice, priceless!
PS: I hope they do not plan selling any of those atlases in Spain; a book published “in association with ETA” might have too many connotations over there.
Haha! Similar to the confusion we used to have in the UK when US citizens used to discuss how much they were paying into their IRA.
Tories propose banning plasma screens
I love these proposals that show how out of touch the Government really is… Don’t they remember we’re in a free trade zone? How much is shipping from Poland on a 42″ TV again?
Lascaille, you are being optimistic. They wouldn’t just ban the sale of these things, they’d ban the act of bringing them into the country. I’m looking forward to the day when I can smuggle illicit incandescent light bulbs into the country.
J, yes… but no. They’re not allowed to and the EU would go spare about restraint of trade.
Probably the only good thing about being in the EU is that it protects us from crazy crap like this.
Yes, but what would prevent Brussels from outlawing the actual production of these bulbs anywhere in the EU, let alone importing them from outside the EU?
Do you realise – next general election in Richmond Park I’m going to have to pick between voting for Susan Kramer of the Lib Dems, and Zac Goldsmith, eco-warrior toff extraordinaire. Or some Labour no-hoper.
Just think – if “Dame” Jenny Tonge were still the LD candidate, I’d be having to pick between perhaps the two most loathsome individuals in Britain.
manuel: It could be worse. I live in Bethnal Green and Bow.
Michael: Surely you mean Ba’athnal Green and Bow! You have my sympathies, Sir.
A green road atlas… perfect for planning the routes of bandwagons and marking the places where they can be best jumped on.