Gaia is tommyrot in a laser-guided podule. It isn’t just wank it’s wankenstein tetrated.
– Commenter Nick M
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Samizdata quote of the dayGaia is tommyrot in a laser-guided podule. It isn’t just wank it’s wankenstein tetrated. – Commenter Nick M July 7th, 2007 |
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I wouldn’t go that far. As a shorthand for a mass of undirected negative feed systems, all apparently maintaining the Earths biosphere in a state of dynamic but stable equilibrium, the term is useful.
If you take the extreme of interpretations, well, I guess Nicks comment is pretty accurate.
Well I did say it was an interesting theory, if shawn of it’s quasi-theological connotations. Anyway, back to Wimbledon because I have money riding on a certain Swiss chap.
An interesting use of the word ‘tetrated’. Glad to see it in everyday use. 🙂
“Shawn” Nick?
I just finished listening to some English twit talking about climate change on BBC World news. He managed to slag Americans by the number of Aluminium cans that are thrown away. Well I live in BC and in the close by states of Washington and Oregon they all have deposits on cans, as of course does BC.
I have been appalled to see the number of cans discarded in the streets and countryside whenever I visit the UK.
People in glass houses etc, or let him who is without sin cast…
I was thinking of Nick Park’s sheep.
Alumin(i)um cans are about the only consumer container where there is a 100% justification for recycling it — where the cost of collection and recycling a can is not only cheaper, but far cheaper than creating a can from scratch.
In fact, most municipalities offset the costs of their recycling programs through the recycling of cans — which is why many municipalities ban scrap merchants from receiving said cans from individuals.
Can’t have the citizens getting money which “belongs” to the government, after all…