It seemed to me that on one side you had representatives of a fanatical cult trying to foist its views on the rest of the world and on the other… the Church of Scientology. Truly, they deserve one another.
Samizdata quote of the dayIt seemed to me that on one side you had representatives of a fanatical cult trying to foist its views on the rest of the world and on the other… the Church of Scientology. Truly, they deserve one another. 7 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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LOL! True though…
A nice quote from Patrick.
To discover quite hpw badly Sweeney violated the BBC’s own guidelines (a mere 154 times), please view this documentary, made by people who really know how to make a case and present it:
It is in 3 9 or 10 minute aprts, and is a real eye-opener.
Who gives a shit? Scientology is a load of old bollocks, and Scientologists’ feral lawyering makes them objectionable assholes instead of just plain old assholes.
My only wish is that we could drop these Thetan twerps back into volcanoes.
But that is a splendid argument for abolishing the monstrous BBC, not being polite about Scientology 🙂
I apologize if this is the wrong thread, but I was wondering how many people the BBC hounded to suicide.
I do not know Sunfish.
However, I believe there is a group called “B.B.C. watch” (or something like that), and they may know.