We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

That [Sarkozy] appears clueless as to the functional benefits of speculation is not surprising – politicians are generally clueless. It’s his idea that a bunch of politicians could ‘reinforce the morality’ of anything I find truly gobsmacking! A mob of used car salesmen would do a better job…

– Commenter Sean

10 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • Government can reinforce morality in one way – when it ceases to engage in activities that degrade it.

  • Freeman

    From this and Adriana’s previous quote, Sarkozy appears to be ignorant of basic economics. And he may well be, though this might be an incorrect inference.

    Note that Adriana’s quote came from Sarcozy during his election campaign. What we don’t know for sure was the extent to which he was speaking to the prejudices of his prospective voters. He is a politician after all.

  • Daniel

    Nice work in the last line, rhyming gob and mob and job.

  • Phil A

    What we don’t know for sure was the extent to which he was speaking to the prejudices of his prospective voters.

    Ah but was can’t rely on it just being him vending pork pies to get elected, not if he gets Europe to do something ill advised.

    Like we can’t rely on the same concerning Dave the Chameleon’s green pronouncements…

  • I agree with this, what depresses me is how people feel the need for some pubic sector medioctrity to be their “moral guidance”…anyway I’ll be honest, I’m here asa shameless plug, I’m a moderate libertarian, and I’ve got a new blog, and I’d be interested in finding some other anti-state people to chat with and get feedback from, as we seem very few and far between these days. It’s lonely here in England now that even the Tories have turned social democrat! so popby and cheer me up someone…anyone? 😉


  • Sunfish

    I agree with this, what depresses me is how people feel the need for some pubic sector medioctrity to be their “moral guidance”

    Come to the US, which is full of people who expect some public sector mediocrity to raise their children, fix fifteen years of dysfunctional families, and make the neighbor children behave and the dog stop barking.

  • Michiganny

    Nicolas Sarkozy knews exactly what he was doing. He equivocated on economics in a country that has deep support for state-sponsored capitalism.

    The point was to win the election, not promulgate a new body of economic theory.

  • Michiganny

    I knews there was something wrong with my post, but forget I cannot changes tenses without changing spellings.

  • Right on Mich.

    Sego supporter Bernard Levy just wrote in Le Point, that it shocked him that Sarko was able to win by promising to liquidate the ‘heritage de mai 68″. This may be truly important since the so-called generation of 68 is no the ruling establishment throughout continental Europe. (and we have our Clintons and Kerry’s over here.)

    These people are resented by a very big mass of people throughtout the west, after all they gave us defeat in Vietnam etc.

    In spite of everything that is wrong with them either Mc Cain or Guiliani would represent the same forces in the US that elected Sarko, if they want to actually win the White House.

  • Sarkozy’s quote highlights clearly the difference between Euro and American conservatism. Sarkozy would be called a RINO in this country and be dismissed as a “Dim” in the wrong party. Also, speculation does not create wealth, it only redistributes it. As such, speculation is a double edged sword. As was pointed out, the total benefits of enabling gobblers that disband parts of a business for profit at the expense of the employees and long term growth are “questionable” at best. As such, Sarkovy is proposing that the cost be society be recovered in taxation on predatory practices. Sounds good to me.
    Finnally, the obvious. A quote during a campaign is worth less than w’s discharge papers.