What should be the collective noun for moonbats?
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67 comments to Discussion Point VII |
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A babble.
A pungence.
How about a “congress”?
A puddle of moonbats approached.
Most of the good ones are taken, so let’s try a ‘ponce’ of moonbats.
RK Jones
A sanctimony
A clueless.
Off to Italy see y’all in a week
Is this a follow up on your earlier thread, Discussion point III ?
I still like a Flutter of Moonbats, although Nick M’s “flitter” has merit. And Simon Jester’s “shriek” is good, to.
I see that the collective noun for plain old bats is claimed to be either “colony” or “cloud” … “cloud of moonbats” sounds quite good doesn’t it?
Belfrey. Clearly, a belfrey of moonbats approaches.
The most notable (stationary) output of the bat is guano. Thus – a guano of moonbats.
Flight, a flight of moonbats.
What could we call a gathering of SpAds ?
Flight, a flight of moonbats.
What could we call a gathering of SpAds ?
A Commune.
An asylum.
A Battery.
A dirge of moonbats. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to call them a hate of moonbats.
Education reference: A flunk of moonbats
Moonbat marching manners: A parude of moonbats
Dead Vonnegut reference: A granfalloon of moonbats
Average moonbat clump: A git of moonbats
Dragging their brats along: A git of moonbats and their gittens
A Lune of Moonbats?
A Shami (as in Chakhrabarti)?
A Kos of Moonbats?
A Polly (as in Toynbee) of Moonbats?
A George (as in Monbiot) of Moonbats?
How about a howl of Moonbats?
A ‘Frothing’ of Moonbats?
A “barking” of moonbats.
A Hypocrisy of moonbats? Or perhaps a Zeal?
A slumber of Moonbats.
Alas, a Winge of Samizdatistas is becoming increasingly appropriate.
Maybe a foaming (as in foaming at the mouth), or possibly a rabid of Moonbats
I second a “barking” of moonbats
I think Phil A’s a “Lune” of Moonbats is going to prove hard to beat, but could we change the spelling to:
A “Loon” of Moonbats?
If that fails, how about a “Wide-Spectrum Libertarian Convention” of Moonbats?
Ian – please elaborate on your halfwitted comment.
I like a “screech” of Moonbats.
Phil A is sooooo close.
I propose a ‘lunacy’ of moonbats, with perhaps ‘loonacy’ as an alternative spelling.
A Lunacy of moonbats – sounds good to me, go for it!
a grievance of moonbats
a gulag….
a crush….
a union….
or more crude …..a dingleberry…..
or more lyrical (and a modification of “barking”) …a meanbark of moonbats….
A ‘Fith’ of Moonbats? As in Fucked-in-the-head…
A rag.
A grauniad?
I was thinking, a “Surrender” of moonbats.
But I think a “Frothing” and a “Barking” have a lot of merit.
“A barking of moonbats” has too much dignity to it.
I’d say “a yapping of moonbats”.
I’d personally use a shower of moonbats myself.
Yeah, I know its already taken, but the link is kinda the point…
A ‘Loon’?
Perhaps a ‘Whinge’ or a ‘Snivel’
How about a ‘HUA’*
*Head Up Arse 🙂
I think it should be a “fluster” of moonbats. It fits, and it’s a wonderful word.
A self-serving of moonbats?
A social consceince of moonbats?
An ASBO of moonbats?
A database of moonbats?
A multi-culture of moonbats?
A drowning of moonbats?
A vampire of moonbats?
I like HUA, like the noise you make when vomiting.
A PiTA of moonbats
A heartburn of moonbats
An annoyance of moonbats.
A Confusion of Moonbats.
I immediately thought of
A Lunation of Moonbats
but it is already a word with other uses …
Have we had a “Shriek of Moonbats” yet?
A ranting of moonbats.
A gaggle of moonbats
Since they’re barking moonbats, how about “a baying”?
A Quango of Moonbats
A Council of Moonbats
A Parliament of Moonbats 😉 Or is that something that already exists? I have a feeling it may be…
A Confusion of Moonbats.
Superb Charlemagne
I’m just amazed no-one has pointed out the obvious one.
An “Embarrassment” of Moonbats.
“The most notable (stationary) output of the bat is guano. Thus – a guano of moonbats.” – Dr. Ellen
Better yet, a shitstorm of moonbats!
‘A litter of moonbats’ catches some meanings.
A swarm of moonbats.
A loiter of moonbats.
An echolocation of moonbats.
How about a Delusion of moonbats.
Or even a defacation of ….
I like Roberts shitstorm of Moonbats, good one.
More for consideration:
How about a Respect of Moonbats?
Or a Gormlessness of Moonbats?
I’ll second “belfry of moonbats.”
How about a “guano” of moonbats?
Guano already proposed by Dr Ellen
Maybe a Bedlam of Moonbats?
A gallows of moonbats.
Eeeh, that’s just my wishful thinking.
A barking of moonbats gets my vote.
A menace of moonbats (when close to power).
A joke of moonbats (when not).
A tantrum of moonbats (when frustrated).
A tyranny of moonbats (when not).
But I prefer: a creche of moonbats:
– “a group of youngsters, all about the same age, who stay together for protection.”
– “a group of young animals all around the same age that herd together”
There is no substitute – it must be a ‘mob of moonbats’
“Belfry” is good, and already suggested. Or how about “bedlam?”
A bedlam of moonbats. Yes.
I’ll go with the good Dr. (way above) – a “Guano of Moonbats”.
A crock of moonbats.