Nothing is more obstinate than a fashionable consensus.
– Margaret Thatcher
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Samizdata quote of the dayApril 24th, 2007 |
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A very apt quote in this current age of ‘fashionable’ soundbites for those environmentally disturbed politicians.
Oddly enough Mrs Thatcher was one of the very first politicians to raise concerns about C02 emissions helping to lead to globel warming.
Not because the lady wanted to “destroy capitalism” (i.e. civil society) as the “Greens” do. But because Mrs T. (like James Lovelock and others) thought that things like atomic power might be needed.
Of course Mrs Thatcher could have been mistaken about the environment – but she certainly meant well (unlike people who put windmills on their roof that are not connected to anything, and bycycle for the T.V. people with their car driving along behind out of shot).
As for “there is nothing more obstinate than a fashionable consensus”, sadly Mrs Thatcher proved that to be true – when the servants of the absurd (but highly damaging) European Union within the Conservative party betrayed her (and betrayed Britain).