I thought I’d just put this photo up from the Libertas film blog, simply because, well, I can, dammit.
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Gratuitous posting of a hot woman with gunsI thought I’d just put this photo up from the Libertas film blog, simply because, well, I can, dammit. April 5th, 2007 |
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If you think that’s fun, find the cover of the upcoming Rolling Stone.
Rosario Dawson and Rose McGowan, posed back to back, wearing nothing but ammo belts.
I’ve been lied to!
Thank you, Mr Pearce, for pandering to your audience, in the best spirit of evil capitalist market places everywhere. Top quality. Have a great Easter.
Spy vs. Spy called. They want their bomb back.
And here’s that gratuitous Rolling Stone cover:
I’m in love — unnnnnnk — I’m all shook up!
There are no circumstances in which posting an image of a hot woman with guns is gratuitous.
Such an image is always appropriate and pertinent.
Now if only I’d looked as good as that when I was her age. *Sigh*.
Though I prefer a Bren. Pistols are only useful at ranges where an SMG or sawn-off is appropriate.
Ah but you are a very singular sort of woman, Zoe!
I am guessing you watched Resident Evil last week then Jon?
Nice lady, poor choice of weaponry. Glocks. Eugh. Plastic rubbish, feel like BB guns.
But as many have said, scandily clad ladies holding firearms are deeply relevent to all political discussion and one should never, under any circumstances, avoid sharing images of such with others.
Would have been a nicer pic if the guns hadn’t been replicas… but I’ll take them where I can.
Zoe: I don’t think that little girl could even lift a Bren gun, let alone point it.
But I share your love for it.