I am sure many of you have heard Carla Howell’s song “How Could I Live Without Filing Taxes”. Well, now she has a music video!
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Carla’s music videoI am sure many of you have heard Carla Howell’s song “How Could I Live Without Filing Taxes”. Well, now she has a music video! April 22nd, 2007 |
![]() 7 comments to Carla’s music video |
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I do like the first comment on that video,
The sentiment is laudable
But the delivery is lamentably cliched.
Are you going out with this young woman Dale!?
Hardly. Carla is married and one of the top LIbertarian Party activists in the US. She has managed some really good vote totals and came within perhaps a percent of getting a massive tax decrease ballot iniitiative through in that state.
She is not a budding rock star, she is an activist who uses some tools previously little used except by ‘the other side’.
Talking of the other side
Have you any idea how much Joan Baez
set back the peace movement in the sixties! 🙂
I live in MA, where she almost got that passed. She got the question on the ballot to totally elimnate the state income tax. It got over 45% of the vote. That would have been pretty interesting times if it had passed. The state government must have been !@#$ing it’s pants.
Maybe just ONE person who’s not white might have made the video?
No, I’m NOT a PC idiot, but I know that when one is trying to persuade, it’s good for the target to feel included.
What “target”?
The target was people generally – but like most ads the people shown were the people we would like to be, not the people we actually are.
I might as well complain “where are the short, bald, middle aged men”.
I guess some young attractive nonwhite people could have been shown as well. In real life black and white people do not play together much (which is sad – it would be better if people did associate more), but ads are not real life so, yes, it would have been a good idea.