Make Ken Livingston carbon neutral… stop him breathing
– Overheard at a Samizdata party the other day
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Samizdata quote of the dayMake Ken Livingston carbon neutral… stop him breathing – Overheard at a Samizdata party the other day March 22nd, 2007 |
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Do it to the entire government and you’re laughing.
We australians don’t see him much, but I’ve never seen him breathing whenever he is shown on TV! Do you think he could already be an undead? With England’s notorious weather, he need never fear direct sunlight!
And if you did give him some eternal accommodation, wouldn’t that be a waste of space? A perfectly good grave, ruined!
Mandrill, that would still leave the bureaucracy, already brain-dead, to carry on their pointless tasks. And wouldn’t Brussels find an excuse to rule directly, then? Eurocracy is a joke for which there is no punchline.
And it’s not as though you need Europe- I read recently that London is becoming the financial center for the world, so Europe really needs you!
Careful. This kind of talk caused a stir once before when it got out of hand.
Making comments about stopping HM PC Government officials breathing (just like “tyrannicide”) doesn’t seem wise. Cheering perhaps, but not wise.
The NNG (Nulab Net Gestapo) will see this kind of talk and call it Hate Speech and Sedition. Then some goons will go to Perry’s place in the middle of the night, put a bag over his head, and ship him off to an unpleasant place to make little rocks from big ones.
Then we won’t have Samizdata any more. Bummer.
Remember – even paranoids have enemies.
If Ken’s demise is being proposed as a green measure (and pretty much anything these days is) thereby rendering what otherwise would be generally considered unacceptable, acceptable, the question of the most appropriate means of disposal arises. Landfill, incineration, compost heap or the fishes?
Why not put all the rubbish in one spot- give Ken a oneway ticket to the People’s Paradise of Cuba!
CFM: but isn’t Ken a White Christian Male, and does it not make him a fair game?
“White Christian Male”
Male ??
Given Ken’s long-standing passion for the creatures he should be fed to newts They seem to enjoy the sort of slime you get atop ponds.
Jacob: who knows?
“White Christian Male” ? No. No. No.
Red Marxist Gay.
Why be needlessly offensive to male homosexuals? I know a few and not a single one of them would touch Ken’s sorry ass with a 10ft pole.
He would have to finish decomposing to stop emitting harmful gases, but planting him under a tree should offset that problem.
“Why be needlessly offensive to male homosexuals?”
How have I been offensive ? Stating facts well known and publicized by the man himself is offensive ?
I think Ken would be more offended by being called “White Christian Male”.
Nick M: A 10-foot WHAT?!
Then my work here is done.
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