Watching cricket is one of the best ways of avoiding working known to man
– Someone from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) is worried about the impact the Cricket World Cup will have on the economy.
Samizdata quote of the dayWatching cricket is one of the best ways of avoiding working known to man – Someone from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) is worried about the impact the Cricket World Cup will have on the economy. 2 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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“And the bar stayed open all day.”
from ‘Cricket at Worcester’ by John Arlott.
Oh come on!!
I know a million other ways!!!
But if we are to be specific…
My boss in the Listing Office of the Crown Court was a Cricket fanatic. A Somerset man. When there was a Test on he had a TV tuned in with the sound off and a Radio tuned to Test Match Special (well the radio commentary is vastly superior).
We also had a bank of 16 direct phone lines to Barristers Chambers, The CPS, the Police Liason etc.
When the phones rang we answered and dealt with whatever was needed.
We got the work done and didn’t miss a ball.
Now if you’re going to throw a sicky…
Well that’s different!