We know what she is smoking (see below), so the real question is: What is taking her so long to move there?

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Charlize Theron prefers Cuba to the USWe know what she is smoking (see below), so the real question is: What is taking her so long to move there? ![]() February 20th, 2007 |
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Just proof that being talented and beautiful is no impediment to also being an ignorant twit.
Hollywood people live in their own little bubble and clearly the world looks very strange and distorted when looking at it through a bubble.
Yep. That’s why, in the Popular Mindset Dictionary(tm) …
Hollywood: n. “That place in LA where they make movies.”
Hollywood: a.pej. weak, ignorant, hopeless.
Ex. “Kingdom of Heaven’s fight scenes were okay, but the script was totally Hollywood.”
But we’ll forgive her because she’s so beautifull… Right?
But we’ll forgive her because she’s so beautifull… Right?
Is she? Makeup and camera angles.
Her comments weren’t ment to be taken in a literal sense. It was merely a symbolic protest of Hollywood’s zenophobic tendecies to star American types like Jude Law, Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe and such. I guess she is saying that Hollywood needs to employ more foreigners and people of color. And while we are talking about that, America… remember the slavery? It’s so unlike the harmony in Cuba and her native South Africa.
I mean jeeze, you all are acting like she got caught smoking a cigarette in a public or something. It was only an apple. There’s no law against smoking apples. They’re healthy for you.
Well, she would have been worth a poke when she was in Aeon Flux…
Darn it, Nicole Kidman is as apple pie as Mel Gibson or Patrick McGoohan. Can you be a xenophobic toward a natural born citizen? Perhaps.
And apples are healthful…..
I’m sure Cuba seems like a sell place if you’re an ignorant tourist who makes more from one movie than the entire population of Cuba will make in their lives.
Oops, I meant “swell place.” Someday I’ll learn to actually use the preview button…
I would not dispute she is well worth a poke, it just appears she is rather less well endowed with sound judgement.
dear noncomrads, we are all so fixated on physical beauty that if Ms Theron were to run for President, she’d have a good chance of winning (if they repealed a few messy parts of the Constitution, but they’re already talking of doing that for Arnie!). I realise that not all Hollywood actors are leftish, but are they the majority? Or do we just never hear about the others?
And does Hollywood still turn out anti-english movies? How come we never hear Villains with French accents?
And does Hollywood still turn out anti-english movies?
What anti-English movies? We need some of those.
How come we never hear Villains with French accents?
French is fey.
Everyone is a natural born citizen. Okay, cepting cesarean babies. But there’s no database covering them.
The cowardly lion in ‘The Lion King’ has an English voice, whilst the good lions are American-accented. In ‘Hudson Hawke’, the villain is an upper-class Englishman. Even in criminal movies, the ‘good’ crooks are Americans, and the bad are Foreigners (i.e. ‘Gone in 60 seconds’. In the recent ‘Titanic’ movie, the only bad people have English accents.
Can anyone give me a reverse- an American movie where the hero/oine is English, aside from the Bond-James Bond franchise?
Does Tomb Raider count?
In Enemy At The Gates, all the Russians (except Khrushchev) had British accents, and they were the good guys.
O.K., tomb Raider has an English Heroine, but what accent did the villain have? And ‘Enemy at the gates’- wasn’t that a European production? I heard it called a Euro-pudding, so I’m thinking it’s european. And I can think of Hollywood once having a french villain- in the first Indiana Jones Movie. But none since.
I’d offer up Sir Alec Guiness as Obi-Wan Kenobi as a counterexample but to be fair, nicholas’s perspective is quite accurate.
I think y’all are being too hard on Charlize, after all, I think upon reflection many of us would agree with her – I’d personally much prefer her to be in Cuba than in the US ;-).
Obi-wan Kenobi was the tutor who passed on civilisation to his successor, Luke Skywalker, who had to fight a rear-guard action by the forces of the Empire, and whilst Luke had an American accent, his opponent had a British accent (the emperor was the real opponent all along.) The main Hero was Luke, who is presumably in a position to remake the Empire into The United Stars.
Ms Theron sacrificed privacy when she became a Great Big Star – one of the penalties you suffer, unfortunately. If she wants to sit in total privacy by the pool and smoke crack then there are thousands of places in the sun where she can do that away from the camera lense. Who knows, perhaps she wanted to be photographed doing that with an apple?
As for British-accented bad guys they only seem to use the British as a fall back position, i.e. when there is no other ‘enemy du jour’ to focus on. As it happens I’m not at all fazed by having British bad guys in Hollywood movies. I was rooting for Alan Rickman in Die Hard far more than for Bruce Willis and again in Robin Hood (ok, so Rickman did have the only decent part in that film). In fact the only recent film I can recall that had a Frenchman as the villain was the awful SWAT movie which had Kylie’s ex-fiance Olivier Martinez in the part.
Okay, so there are some baddie Brits in some movies. I won’t believe Brits are evil until I’ve heard it from Sharon Stone.
Haven’t they cast that paradigm of Englishness, Hugh Grant been cast as a goodie in at least one film?
I think he played a doctor.
In the TV show “Arrested Development” Charlize Theron played a mentally retarded girl who was so beautiful that it took ages for people to realise that she was in fact an idiot. Seems like she didn’t have to act too hard for that one.
Of course Brits have to be the bad guys in films. They killed George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, after all. You limey bastards!
It is some what ironic that pot-smoking Charlize Theron is praising the so called “freedoms” of life in Castro’s communist Cuba, when Cuba views drug taking as a corrupt “capitalist ill” introduced by crooked imperialist tourists. Penalties for the use of illegal drugs in Cuba are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences. If Chalize thinks life in Hollywood is oppressive, try openly taking drugs in Cuba, and see what happens.
Why does Hollywood mainly consist of people who are endemically full of shit?
You limey bastards!
Helen Mirren smokes from a lime. Aren’t there any younger, apple-smoking British actresses to suck up to Mugabe or someone?
Even that one from Dempsey and Makepeace must be putting on the years.
In the original Battlestar Galactica, the Imperious Leader has a British accent (supplied by Patrick Macnee), and the Colonials are Americans…
Alfred, I’m so sorry if George Washington and his friends suffered the inconvenience of being killed, but it didn’t interfere with their political careers, did it? Didn’t he go on to become President George the first? It wasn’t my ancestors, by the way, but a man called King george the Third, who had some sort of illness, according to modern theories. I wonder what Prez George the Third, current ruler, is suffering from?
And why does Hollywood always seem so Left-leaning?
If she doesn’t like America, she should go back to S.Africa where her and her mom ran away from. She has lived more of years in America; the country that has given her everything. Before she got the Oscar, never heard her say that she was South African. We don’t need people like her in this country. She is so snooty and ignorant.
If she doesn’t like America, she should go back to S.Africa where her and her mom ran away from. She has lived more of years in America; the country that has given her everything. Before she got the Oscar, never heard her say that she was South African. We don’t need people like her in this country. She is so snooty and ignorant. Look what these white people did to the blacks in S. Africa.
I am from south africa in fact from charlizes home town.
i think it has become time for her to rethink the values
she chooses to critisize especially in the light of what the post mandela south africa has become. she should also be old enough to remember the bodybags of our boys returning from the angolan conflict where the cubans were involved hands on. revell in the fact that you have the privilege of living in a free, yes free first world country but remember you are a guest and also keep a lookout for the jon blair documentary on the post 1994 south africa featuring desmond tutu and the like. perhaps you’ll use your soapbox platform to speak out against a real catastrophe in the making until then shut your godamn
I am from south africa in fact from charlizes home town.
i think it has become time for her to rethink the values
she chooses to critisize especially in the light of what the post mandela south africa has become. she should also be old enough to remember the bodybags of our boys returning from the angolan conflict where the cubans were involved hands on. revell in the fact that you have the privilege of living in a free, yes free first world country but remember you are a guest and also keep a lookout for the jon blair documentary on the post 1994 south africa featuring desmond tutu and the like. perhaps you’ll use your soapbox platform to speak out against a real catastrophe in the making until then shut your godamn
You guys are imbeciles. Why call Charlize “an idiot” for having leftist ideas? Since when is that proof of idiocy?
She didn’t say Cuba was BETTER, she said there is corruption here too. (and there is, everywhere and yes, also here)
So get a f*cking life!
if being a right-wing sympathizer meant you are intelligent, then there would be no IQ tests, we would just rely on whether people support the f*cking right-wing.
Stop being retarded…
That would be because left wing ideas are idiotic. Ergo, a person who holds such views is idiomatically refer to as an idiot.
If you think having anything nice to say about a country which criminalises free exchange between people, pathologises dissent and throws librarians in jail for offering the ‘politically incorrect’ books to people is not idiocy, then perhaps you are right about it not being an indication of a feeble mind. It may be a better indication of a truly evil mind.
“Derailed” has a villian with a French accent. There are many movies with villians with French accents.
so sorry ,,but this picture was not in l.a. ,,,,, it was in jacksonville florida… and the apple was part of my lunch..good thing i had it cause i was out o paper’s ,,, ohh by the way,, for all of you wondering.. it was crippy… and i told her a joke and she started laughing ,,, ty for the memories…albrect gerlock…. but please.. its an apple pipe not a bong,,, bong’s use water….