Sex Dispute Ends In Tractor Rampage
Hot diggety dog. Don’t they always?
(Via Drunkablog)
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Best headline everJanuary 19th, 2007 |
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I’ve seen better. For example, consider the ancient New York Post headline “Headless Body in Topless Bar”…
It’s still pretty good, no?
“Headless body in topless bar” is too punnish – not buying it. However….”Sex dispute ends in tractor rampage” makes you think that some really stupid people actually gave cause to warrant that headline.
The Post headline is real, and quite famous. It involved an actual incident in which a beheaded body was found in a topless bar.
Nah – nothing beats “Queen in brawl at Palace”.
This makes me wonder: was there ever an actual headline that read “Man bites dog”?
This makes me wonder: was there ever an actual headline that read “Man bites dog”?
Yes. For cuteness’s sake, in covering the food served at the county fair.
I tried to have rampaging sex on a tractor once, but we kept falling out of that little seat.
Damn thing needed stirrups or something.
Potential “Head”line and better story:
English Samurai Saves Police
…two off-duty detectives…heard the screams of a woman and entered the premises to investigate. They confronted the intruders, but, being out-numbered and out-armed, quickly lost control of situation. Accounts vary, but it appears that just as one of the robbers drew his knife and lunged at one of the cops, a mustachioed do-gooder appeared out of the blue brandishing a three-foot samurai sword.
I am rewriting the lyrics to Team America in my head…
You call THAT the tractor story?
Yeah, the story is arse. Don’t bother reading it. Headline’s good, though.
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