We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote for the day

“Why hate someone for the color of their skin when there are much better reasons to hate them”.

Denis Leary, comedian, actor and champion of American firefighters and emergency workers.

13 comments to Samizdata quote for the day

  • Why hate anyone?

    Because the world has a lot of truly loathsome people who deserve to be hated.

  • J

    Oh, there’s no shortage of loathsome people, but hating them won’t make them go away. We should love our neighbours not because they are lovable, but because they are neighbours.

  • M4-10

    We should love our neighbours not because they are lovable, but because they are neighbours.

    How very tribal. I’m going to continue judging people on their merits, and not their domicile proximity.

  • Oh, there’s no shortage of loathsome people, but hating them won’t make them go away. We should love our neighbours not because they are lovable, but because they are neighbours.

    And loving them will not make them less loathsome. M4-10 has it right.

  • M4-10

    I win! M4-10: 1. Jesus Christ: 0.

    Suddenly I feel itchy and nauseous. Probably plague of vengeful deity.

  • Zeno

    Probably plague of vengeful diety

    That wouldn’t be a God that hates?

  • Nick M

    Is hate good?

    Is this a Honda commercial?

  • “I have a dream, that someday my children will be judged not on the color of their skin but the content of their character…”

  • Pa Annoyed


    Who is the neighbour in Luke 10:37 and why? The robbers, the Priest, the Levite, or the Samaritan?

    You’re thinking of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:44, I think, which doesn’t mention neighbours. Not one of the big J’s more convincing arguments, to my mind.

    (But not quite as fundamentalist as verses 27-30. I do wonder sometimes why you don’t see more Abu Hamza lookalikes in Churches. Or maybe you’re not supposed to take it seriously?)

  • Nick M

    The Pharisees.

    Walking on by 24/7.

  • James_C

    Oh, there’s no shortage of loathsome people, but hating them won’t make them go away. We should love our neighbours not because they are lovable, but because they are neighbours.

    I’d like mine a whole lot more if he wasn’t my neighbour.

  • RAB

    Na Nick! It wasn’t the Pharisees

    It was Dion Warwick surely!