We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Nearly-Christmas quiz

Who is speaking? Where? When? And of what political philiosophy is this an epiphany?

It is anticipated that recording an alternative address will be of benefit to the individual, enabling him or her to prove legitimate residence at that address.

Only the last question is really hard, but Googling the answer to the rest is cheating. More marks will be earned by creative guesses.

5 comments to Nearly-Christmas quiz

  • Chris Harper

    Are marks the same as points?

    After all, as we all know, points mean prizes.

    Will the prizes be dished out by the lovely Samantha? Or by that gormless prat Sven.

  • Santa Claus’ Minister of the Database of Addresses, to ensure that each good boy and girl gets theirs.

    However, I doubt that Santa and his minions would choose the Marxist inanimate word “individual” over the Christian, human, dignified word “person.”

    ‘Twas a recent announcement and published in the Federal Register.

    Socialist welfare state.

  • Probably not the place to post this, and apologies to Guy.

    (go and vote :))

    Best try and answer the questions now 🙂

    Tax avoidance expert, to a group of British MEPs’, on the best way of avoiding paying tax iat home, by abusing the 90 day rule and having a semi-legitimate overseas address to give to the Inland Revenue, the workshop was held in Brussels and paid for by us last April, just before the tax self assessment forms were posted out.

    The Philosophy, Deeper Trough.



  • RAB

    Ah Coronel Mustard in the Library with the lead piping on crack?

  • Tony Blair speaking about id cards to primary school children.