“Jokes about polonium 210 will be half as funny 138 days from now”
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Found on the internet…December 8th, 2006 |
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And as 25% as funny 276 days from now…
True, true: however, if one were to refer to the ‘Achilles racing the Tortoise” paradox, they will never be 100% un-funny!
Will someone please explain to Mr Prescott that it won’t become Polonium-105?
I wonder if it’s Russia getting rid of the Chernobyl waste, one dissident at a time?
Can you get it via the NHS?
Yes, but will the jokes about Polonium-210 decay into jokes about other smaller elements?
That went down like a lead balloon MidW
It must be something wrong with the html-code for this blog. When I visit this with Firefox there is just a wordline saying
“Jokes about polonium 210 will be half as funny 138 days from now”
And nothing else, no link or anything. Are we supposed to read thoughts or is it something just some persons understand or is it something that just work with Internet Explorer?
Not meaning to be unpolite, I am just curious and what to understand this post, because I use to visit this blog often.
Kevin B,
Too bad, actually. I had been kinda hoping it would go over like a helium balloon. Minus the electrons, of course.
Chade… it is a joke… generally jokes do not need a link to explain them!
Would it not in fact be more correct to state that half as many jokes about Polonium 210 will be funny in 138 days?
Ah the british sence of humor or is that humour. I wouldn’t say the joke was leaden it hasn’t had enough time to decay that badly.
Obviously I don’t have enough sense not to play word games.
I bet in some corners the element is known as Putinium-210.
At the risk of appearing pedantic on a humour thread the Achilles/tortoise paradox is not relevant to radioactive decay. Nuclei being discrete objects and the Zenoic paradox being about the contiuum.
Seeing as it seems a cup of tea was the vector for the poison is it true that a spoonful of sugar helps the polonium go down?
And I thought a “polonium” was where riders on horses played a game that looks like a cross between croquet and soccer.
“Polonium” the radioisotope with a hole…
dead Russians are too common to be funny.
Anyone poisoned with polonium 210 should be given beryllium and sent back to the poisoner.
(Just a test of your nuclear physics.)
This thread never did quite reach critical mass, did it?
All that’s left to do is barium.
Then grab a rod and go fission.