Via NewsMax: the troops respond to John Kerry’s ‘joke’.

Photo: US soldiers, via News Max.
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We Be Stuk n Irak Massah CaryNovember 1st, 2006 |
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Today the arrogant french looking John F Kerry finally apologised…. well sort of, kind of in a nuanced sort of way.
The reaction to Kerry’s poor joke strikes me as not dissimilar to the Muslim reaction to the Pope’s remarks a little while ago. It succeeds in supporting the meaning he didn’t intend.
The reaction to Kerry’s poor joke strikes me as not dissimilar to the Muslim reaction to the Pope’s remarks a little while ago.
No kidding. What with all the burning and the rioting and murdering of nuns and so on. Just a horrid business.
It’s obvious Kerry meant to insult Bush, not the troops. The ironic part is that Kerry, in the course of insulting another man’s intelligence, wasn’t able to word his attack so as to avoid controversy. Pride goes before destruction, they say.
However, it is well-past time to start insulting the troops. Those who agree to kill on the orders of the state don’t deserve honor; they deserve scorn and shame. In a free country, the suggestion to join the state’s standing army should be roughly akin to a suggestion to join the Ku Klux Klan.
– Josh
And that’s why the populace needs guns in a free society.
I didn’t realize blacks could be part of the Klan, learn something new every day.
guy, that is a weird remark. I don’t see soldiers rioting in the streets over what Kerry is supposed to have said.
I think the right-wing media are making a bit of a fuss over this, though. Kerry is a moron, but I honestly don’t believe he actually regards today’s modern military as being filled by idiots. To fly a modern helicopter, use modern weapons, navigate a nuclear sub or whatever, takes more brains than is likely within the locality of Washington DC.
John Kerry, to use a familiar line, is the gift that keeps on giving.
You can always find people wiling to support one point of view in a large group of people if you look.
This is the reaction of a few people. I suspect most are spending too much time trying to stay alive and do their job to be bothered with this sort of thing.
It’s called desperation born of flop sweat. The republicans are not in a poor position (which they’ve worked very hard to achieve) and desperately trying to distract voters’ attention to anything but their record. A not very funny joke by someone not running for office with approximately zero affect on public policy isn’t the answer to their prayers but they’re grabbing and running with it for all it’s worth. Understandable, not nice, not ethical, but understandable.
Should the democrats win, I don’t think they’ll work any miracles, but periodically switching the particular incompetents in office is better than nothing (which is what electing the same party over and over and over again accomplishes).
I’d like to see the Dems taking the House, but not the Senate. That should provide for as much political sclerosis as one could reasonably expect.
I think I part company with almost everyone who has posted so far. If I were graduating high school or college today, I would almost without a doubt join the USAF and be more than happy to join the fight against our enemies.
As to Kerry’s intent… given *who* this man is, and understanding the mllieu he comes out of, since I was a college student demonstrator at the time he was accusing his fellow soldiers of war crimes, something I have long felt was due to a guility consciense of his own for probably doing the things he accused others of doing, I simply do not believe it was a joke. He really does hate the soldiers. He wants to relive those halcyon days of his youth when he could go on college campuses around the US and tell students worried about the draft something similar. And then get laid. The joke fails today because the military is volunteer, not enslaved.
The man is a moral leper and a complete asshole.
Kerry accused soldiers of war crimes in Vietnam, an accusation which was absolutely true. If you claim to care about the troops, you should want the “bad” ones punished. Keeping war crimes hush-hush does nothing to support the idea that the war crimes come from a few bad apples. “Good” soldiers should speak out against war crimes, bringing them to light, and helping the bureaucracy punish them.
Kerry is a moron, though, and he’s a moron who thinks he’s funny, which is never good.
– Josh
Same goes for the police too, I assume, you pitiful excuse for a human being.
Well, Calley commited crimes and was tried and punished. While I disagreed with that war, I do not accuse the hundreds of thousands of americans who fought in it of being anything less than honorable and I find those who think otherwise rather tiring and waste of my time.
They were good men in a useless war, but that did not make lessen them. They made the best of it, even when after all their blood the politicians turned their back on them.
However, it is well-past time to start insulting the troops. Those who agree to kill on the orders of the state don’t deserve honor; they deserve scorn and shame. In a free country, the suggestion to join the state’s standing army should be roughly akin to a suggestion to join the Ku Klux Klan.
Who the hell do you think keeps the free state free?
Wild Pegasus of course. He smites the bad guys with a large hard back edition of Murry Rothbdard’s Ethics of Liberty and makes them see the error of their ways and thereby causing them to promise to stop violating the non-aggression principle.
As I recall there were plenty of advanced degrees planning the war in Vietnam that did a horrible job of it. Kerry’s joke if one can call it that is not even historicallly accurate. Advanced degrees decided that the best way to win Vietnam was to fight a “limited war” – just about the stupidest thing I can think of. There are a lot of stupid “smart” people out there. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that government has such a large role in most people’s formative educational years. Or maybe it’s because most people are just stupid. I’m not sure which.
As a 1972 high school graduate who had a low draft number (56) and I was only shelved by the ending of the draft before I was actually inducted. But my two older brothers were serving when Kerry came out with his BS in 1971 and everyone knew he lied to hide his own problems/ ambitions. Since then, Kerry has adopted the mindset of the corrupt elitist left and he merely let loose a Freudian slip. It reminds me of the ca. 500 AD time frame when limpid, “respectable” Romans would never think to serve in the Legion, and hated the superior men that did.
Guy compares the reaction to Senator Kerry words with the reaction to the Pope’s words – the reaction to the Pope’s words was violence, the reaction to Senator Kerry words has been (as the picture shows) humour.
As for the nonsense (spread by Guy, Josh and of course Senator Kerry himself) that John Kerry meant to insult President Bush not the troops – this is an obvious lie.
Senator Kerry never dreamed that his words would get out to people like Fox (and they would not have had not a talk radio man happened to see them on the local broadcast). John Kerry was NOT claiming that President Bush was uneducated (that would have been a very odd claim considering that President Bush did better at school and at Yale than Senator Kerry did and then went on to the Harvard Business School).
I have seen the film and the troops WERE the target (Sentator Kerry clearly did not think that his words would be generally broadcast and a few years ago they would not have been) – sorry Guy you are just wrong.
Nor is this the first time that John Kerry has attacked the troops, – Josh talks of the charges concerning Indo China being “true”. Oh yes – was it Americans who murdered millions of innocent people in Indo China or was it the Communists?
Sure there were killings of innocent people by Americans (although far fewer than in such wars as W.W.II), but John Kerry was helping to spread the myth that baby killing soldiers were common.
Also John Kerry’s false claims that a non-conscript military would be made up of the uneducated go back to at least 1972 – LOOK IT UP.
I expect the mainstream media to spin the line that “Kerry did not mean it” (if the spot light had not been put on it they would not have broadcast the story at all – as they did not broadcast the booing and abuse shouted at the boy scouts at the Democratic Convention in 2000), but it sickens me to see the same spin here.
The elite “liberals” talk like this (when they think what they are saying is not going to get out) all the time. For example, the “great journalist” S.H. was up in Canada only a few days ago saying how evil American soldiers are (of course he has been saying that since Vietnam – and got lots of nice prices for reports that supported this, reports that pretended to be objective) – not “some” soldiers. As far as S.H. is concerned this is the most “murderous” American army there has even been.
The fact that the vast majority of civilians murdered in Iraq are murdered by the very “resistance” the “liberals” support goes unreported – just as it did in Vietnam.
Nor can the war in Iraq and that in Afghanistan be separated. Victory for the Democrats on Tuesday will mean defeat in Iraq and defeat in Afghanistan (“investigations” to tie the Administration in knots will be the first order of business of the new Democrat leadership of the House of Representatives). The leaders of the Democratic party understand that perfectly well and they do not care if the West is defeated and radical Islam (both Sunni and Shia) wins. The point (for them) is to smash President Bush, if America and the West (and moderate Muslims) have to go down with him – well that is just too bad.
Kerry’s remarks reminded everyone how deeply and fundamentally antimilitary the hard left is, and they control the Democrat party right now. Yes, the D’s are learning and running more blue dogs to try and even have a chance at winning, but they won’t have seniority or power and they will be frozen out and Pelosi will crack her whip and they’ll yelp and follow.
The MSM is proving their disconnect with ordinary Americans by showing how out of touch they are, too.
This and the NY Times today…thanks guys for the pleasant November surprises.
The New York Times (and Nancy Pelosi) were very critical yesterday of the judgement to put certain documents on an American government website (documents that have now been withdrawn).
According to the left they objected to the documents because they would “help people make atomic bombs”, and (surprise, surprise) various U.N. agencies agreed with them.
Of course all the technical “how to make a bomb” stuff can be found on the internet anyway, what the left REALLY objected to was that the documents were from the government of Saddam Hussain and show that he WAS still planning to build atomic bombs right up to the invasion of Iraq (information that the left has been trying to sit on for years).
The New York Times with its motto of “all the news that is fit to print” (i.e. all the news that serves the cause of the left) is happy with sitting on news that does not suit the left – so it tried to spin the story as wicked Republican Congress gets documents published that will help people build atomic bombs.
Nancy Pelosi got a interesting write up in the present issue of the “Economist” (a journal that has often been very critical of President Bush and other Republicans). That this politician represents the extreme leftists of San Fransisco has long been known, but her money raising activities are not widely known – some one hundred million Dollars (at least) in the last few years.
Nor is Nancy Pelosi’s history widely known. It is not just that her father was a leftist Congressman and then Mayor of the corrupt city of Baltimore (no one is to blame for who their father is). No, Nancy Pelosi personally “kept the book” for her father – i.e. the record of favours recieved and dealt out.
I wonder how the lady manages to keep a straight face when she talks of the “culture of corruption” in Washington. Nancy Pelosi has been involved in corruption her whole life, but I doubt that one voter in ten knows that.
For this the Republicans must take some of the blame. I can hear the talk now “we can not attack Pelosi too much because she is a women and we will look like brutes” and “we can not say what she is because it will look like an ethnic slur and we do not want to upset Italian-American voters”.
So the United States will get Speaker Pelosi in a couple of months, at least in part because the Republican leadership will not really attack. Most voters simply do not know what they are getting.
And of course kentuckyliz is quite correct, Democrat party discipline has been iron under Nancy Pelosi (another point that the Economist article shows). Whatever type of candidate voters think they have got (“the Democrat round here is really nice, and they went to Iraq”) the fact remains that they will vote the way Nancy Pelosi tells them to vote.
Nancy Pelosi is, of course, supported by the rest of the Democrat party leadership and the people who will head the key committes in the House.
Anyone who believes kerry’s remark was a “botched joke aimed at Bush” is naive (was going to say “a moron”). He is a professional politician. Yes, a professional politician can be dick but they ALWAYS know who they are talking to, and how to convey their message – no matter how idiotic.