It is often said that Guy Fawkes was the only man to ever enter Parliament with honest intentions…

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Remember, remember, the fifth of NovemberNovember 5th, 2006 |
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Here’s a new message(Link) from V on Guy Fawkes Day.
Ah, just finished watching “V for Vendetta.” This is quickly turning into one of my better holidays…
Hi All,
At least it gives the retailers extra money in their pockets selling all them fireworks.
In Australia, it is illegal to sell any sort of fireworks.
Yeah, but wait until the government realises that the material used in sparklers is allegedly the same stuff they found in the (failed) 21/7 bombers’ detonators. We’ll be seeing “safety” fireworks next year where everyone gets to stand round an enclosed bonfire, for fear that someone might get burnt, and watch a state-approved official 5th November fireworks operative (Grade III) light a solitary
RomanCandle of Pagan Origin for our amusement.On a lighter note, if an Islamic martyr actually did manage to ram a 3 ton truck packed with AnFo into a full House of Commons would that day henceforth be known as “Ahmed’s Night”?
On a lighter note, if an Islamic martyr actually did manage to ram a 3 ton truck packed with AnFo into a full House of Commons would that day henceforth be known as “Ahmed’s Night”?
Some would call it “Retributive Karma For Angering The Islamic World Night.”
A previously unheard of MP by the name of Barry Sheerman has asked the PM to ban Guy Fawkes Night on account of all those nasty Carbon emmissions!
“Retributive Karma” hmm does that apply for everyone ?
Further to a previous comment, I did go to celebrate Guy Fawkes’ unfortuneately unsuccessful attempt on the Houe of Commons – at Darlington Borough Council’s Fireworks Event. And it has to be said, the fireworks were not bad.
The best part was, however during the ‘Public Safety Message’ at the end. You know the sort of thing: ‘Drive Safely, don’t drink more than one half of beer, etc etc’.
It was completely drowned out by fireworks being let off from neighbouring gardens.
God Bless Darlo!
Don’t you all mean Pope’s Day? It used to be the biggest holiday in America about, ohhh… 250 years ago maybe.
You Brits are crazy, you know that? (Like that’s any news.) What other nation has a national celebration to commemorate a villain they’re all supposed to hate? From 400 years ago, even.
All our American holidays celebrate good things and good people — except maybe Halloween, but that’s different. (Well, and “Talk like a Pirate” day.)
Mostly because until the law was repealed in 1859 it was mandatory to celebrate Bonfire Night with the obligatory fireworks and bonfires. In fact the law states that it is to celebrate,
So one might indeed say that it is England’s Thanksgiving Day.