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Most scary halloween costume everNovember 2nd, 2006 |
![]() 11 comments to Most scary halloween costume ever |
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A few years ago, I came across these “Child’s Pimp and Ho” outfits:
I do recall those Abu Ghraib kid’s halloween costumes of several years back …
I dunno,
Seems I just wasted a click to add to the “times visited”
of some no talent kook left wing nut.
Ummm, so before Patriot act, with Jamie Gorelick’s wall,
CIA, NSA, etc. could not tell local sheriff that scum bag islamist murderous creep just moved into town.
Well, we wouldn’t want to be judgemental….
Got to agree with Uain.
Or how about as a suicide bomber?(Link)
scroll down to see the pix
Awww.. Isn’t that sweet?
If I may generalize, Samidats apply their belief in civil liberty (which I applaud) to believe the most slanted critiques of The Patriot Act.
Questions about specific features of the legislation is legitimate, but wholesale opposition is misguided and plays into the agendas of many groups that are not promoting liberty.
For what it’s worth, I defended (Link) the terrorist costume. Some bloggers are making too big a deal out of it.
I agree with you to a certain extent and I agree with Uain…or a combination thereof.
The Patriot Act guy in the link or the site itself is simply feeding more “dumbness” to the gullible. Disgusing his or it’s message as one of freedom fighting, “brave”, non-comformity against an evil “big brother” government who wants to take porn rights away and put little kids in jail.
In this day and age, it’s ridiculous to think we will become 100 percent free from government intrusion. I’m not saying we don’t fight it, I’m just saying we need to be more realistic in the information age.
It’s funny how hyped-up people get over the Patriot Act when the government has had their number for decades:
Birth certificates
Death cerificates
Social security Numbers
Public School records
The Census
Gun registration
Drivers’ License
Hunting License
Building permits
Don’t forget the biggest F*ckers of all – the IRS
Shall I go on?
Those of us who have served in the military (in the last 15 years) are also aware that our DNA, fingerprints, bood type, medical history etc, etc..is kept on file.
Most of the hysterics over the Patriot act are…well… just hysterics or “Cause celeb”.
I don’t want to be snooped on anymore than anyone else does. I don’t want to be jailed for suspected terrorist activities! Nor am I a self-important, egotistic, tin foil hat wearing, maniac who believes the government cares who I have sex with, who I call, email or how much money is in my checking account – (the IRS has access to my bank account anyway – not that I like it).
I learn to adapt, use common sense and face reality. I watch my government closely because they work for me. And no, I won’t bitch about it quietly in blogs and at the bar. I write letters, inform others, call Congressmen, vote, and most importantly, teach the children in my family about freedom, why it’s precious, what we’ve lost etc. – might not do a lot of good but it’s worth a try.
I’m not a sheep-person that believes I must give up all freedom for safety, nor am I a sheep-person who believes the government wants to implant a camera in my brain and keep track of how many pototoes I buy at the grocery store. I understand these are different times.
As far as the “terrorist Halloweeners”… you defend them for what? Being assholes? I doubt anyone wants to take their Halloween costume rights away. We simply want to keep our right to openly scorn them, laugh at them…whatever situation fits.
I’ve seen worse and almost as tasteless.
I make a point never to defend assholes. I just defend the right for them do as they like! The great thing about the USA and similar nations is that assholes are free to express themselves and should expect to be treated as assholes…sorry for the profanity.
Cheers 🙂
That was my self-important, fake-intellectual delusions of grandeur essay/reply. My end-of-the-week, “no ones gonna read this crap”, release of pissed off hot air, foo-faw, babble from my under-educated brain
Thanks to that and a shot of cheap brandy, I feel better now.
Thanks Samizdata…I believe I owe a donation for that!
Just in case you read this, out of curiosity, what specific parts of the legislation you disagree?
I’m not trying to instigate a debate I just want to see your side of it. Purely educational. I’ve read the patriot act but maybe I could be more “enlightened” to specifics that would seem to be dangerous to a free society.
Thanks 🙂
Forgot to add..
I’m aware my huge essay-like, self-important, delusions of grandoise post was just a lot of quasi-intellectual poop spouted from a “not educated well enough” brain.
I typed almost the same thing earlier but got “deleted” by the blog comment bot (there was no profanity or racism??)…so, I hope this gets thru but I suppose it doesn’t matter as this is in the “no-one-reads-this-crap category” .
I feel better anyway.