We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

I’m sorry to say that the latest on carrying hand-baggage on flights to/from Britain is that violins appear to be a no-no.

Jessica Duchen writing today about the difficulties now being faced by itinerant classical musicians

4 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • Ah, you missed the comment, which is an even better SDQOTD:

    “By allowing it in the cabin, the airline is acknowledging that it poses no security risk. But it is using security regulations to justify the need for it to have its own seat. ”


  • They must be worried about sex-and-violins in the cabin… (sorry)

  • Vioilinists/the rank and file are not alone. Have a scroll down this BBC article and you come across some bloke by the name of Steven Isserlis CBE, who says:

    I am travelling to Germany tomorrow to rehearse for a premiere of a new cello concerto, written for me, at the Salzburg Festival on Tuesday. I cannot cancel, because no-one else has learnt this concerto; I cannot put my priceless 18-century Italian cello in the hold – it would not be insured in there (as far as I know) and besides, to risk the desecration of such an irreplaceable work of art would be irresponsible and wrong. So I am taking the train tomorrow – a 10-hour ride, as opposed to the one-hour flight.

    One hopes Eurostar have more scruples.

  • Paul Marks

    The politicians and administrators always say “we must not let the terrorists undermine our normal way of life” – but that is exactly what they (the politicians and administrators) do.

    Just as the p’s and a’s say “we must protect freedom” as they undermine it.

    Still the solution is the hands of us all (if we have the courage) – all we have to say is “shove your so called security, if we get blown up we get blown up”.