I suppose one of the main reasons that airshows are held is that actually seeing the thing fly can temporarily remove the sense from people who in their rational moments think that an A380 or some other aircraft may not have much of a practical role, or may not be worth the money.
And as it happened, on Sunday, I was impressed by the A380, and I was again impressed by the V22 Osprey, which if nothing else can certainly put on an impressive display.

Alas, I didn’t get a good picture of it in “aeroplane mode”, but for a helicopter it was certainly quick in getting from A to B. This is the best I can do.

On the other hand, it is quite impressive what a proven, useful, and big helicopter can do when it only has the tiny fuel load needed for a ten minute display.

It was something of a day for the helicopters. As well as the Chinook, the RAF sent a Merlin for an aerobatic display, and this was also really impressive. Of course, there were lots and lots of jet fighters, too (the highlight of which was probably a MiG-29), but in order for photos of them to not look like a black spot in the distance, you really need a lens like this one, which I did not have.

Still, I am sure Brian will give me points for the billion monkeys shot.
If it doesn’t work, it’ll make a fine hat-stand.
I have always wanted my own Osprey. They are just so neat…none more so when you see them take off and land.
They do kind of resemble the Hunter-Killers from the Terminator movies.