I am not a driven businessman, but a driven artist. I never think about money. Beautiful things make money.
– Lord Acton
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Samizdata quote of the dayI am not a driven businessman, but a driven artist. I never think about money. Beautiful things make money. June 20th, 2006 |
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Hmm. A pleasing sentiment but then, didn’t Andrew Carnegie have to bail Acton out at the end of his life? I seem to recall something about Acton being forced into selling his library to pay debts, and Carnegie stepped in to help him…
Being “driven” tends to corrupt, being a “driven artist” corrupts absolutely?
Typical aristocratic conceit.
I am certain that is not a quote from Lord Acton.
I see it on the net attributed to someone identified as “Beene, Geoffrey – Fashion Designer”. That sounds more plausible. I am very familiar with Lord Acton’s life and work. I just finished rereading his Lectures on Modern History. This sounds absolutely nothing like him, in terms of phrasing or of sentiment. And he never referred to himself as an artist — he was a historian. And he did not talk about his work as being “beautiful”.
This is just totally and obviously wrong.
I think they should teach people at Miskatonic University to more carefully check their cites.
Here is a real Lord Acton quote:
I think anyone who is driven is interesting, because they are filled with passion and enthusiasm for their particular pursuit, whatever it is. Business, art, science, sport, music, etc. Apathetic people who are not driven about anything are just plain boring.
Whoever originated this quote, it sounds like a traditional English or European classist attitude that sneers down its nose at the “merchant class” and prefers the upper class who won’t dirty its hands in such commercial pursuits. So it’s believable that an English Lord would sneeringly deny being driven about business and focus on beautiful little gewgaws instead.
I think we can also see that ugly things make money and crude, perverted things make money.
Let us not talk of them; but look thou and pass’ These innumerable seekers of safety first, and last, who take no risk either of suffering in a good cause or of scandal in a bad one, are here manifestly, nakedly, that which they were in life, the waste and rubbish of the universe, of no account to the world, unfit for Heaven and barely admitted to Hell. They have no need to die, for they ‘never were alive.–Dante Alighieri