Zarqawi – dead
Rooney – fit
The news does not get any better than that.
– Commenter David Davies (no, presumably not that David Davies)
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Samizdata quote of the dayZarqawi – dead – Commenter David Davies (no, presumably not that David Davies) June 8th, 2006 |
![]() 18 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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Now that is hilarious!
How about Osama Bin Laden
caught on his way to the corner shop
to buy condensed Milk (his fovorite)
And Brazil in bubonic plague scare.
Nope, not even close.
“AIDS Cure Found In Dolphin Livers.”
[sub] “PETA, GreenPeace Members Commit Mass Suicide.”
Zarqawi – dead
Rooney – fit
Perfect, absolutely perfect.
‘Brown retires to Scotland in huff & as First Mininter Elect, declines further subsidies from Sassenach taxpayers.’
Normilly I can spel all write…even hard words like mininster.
Now if only we can get bin Laden into that headline.
Who si Rooney?
Lemuel, it’s an English thing.
I suspect more people in Britain know the location of Wayne Rooney’s metatarsal than know where Basra is.
I knew that, was just trying to tease, sorry.
Never heard of the guy. Of course on my side of the pond we don’t follow soccer. I assumed you were talking about Andy Rooney as in “fit to be tied”.
And they say good news doesn’t sell newspapers!
Doesn’t much matter that Zarqawi is dead. Bushco’s war machine will march on devouring everything in it’s path in Iraq in the name of profit and greed. It makes me sick to be an American.
I don’t know about Static Brian, you seem to have more of a Shrivelled Brain!
Static Brain –
Now that Zed’s dead I think people should try to reconcile their differences and come together. A bit of a sing song may help things in that direction so I’ll try to get things going.
I did consider a bit of Will Smith (Boom! Shake The Room maybe?) or the lovely Lulu (My heart goes Boom bang-a-bang/boom bang-a-bang/When you are near/Boom bang-a-bang, boom bang-a-bang/Loud in my ear Pounding away, pounding away …. )
But no, we don’t want to appear culturally insensitive now, do we?! In that vein I reckon we should kick off with It’s In The Koran
Don’t be too despondent even if you are a leftie cliche.
You’ve qualified for the world cup and will have plenty of opportunity to support the opposing teams. you might be lucky and get france or even better iran in the knockout stages.
I note that so many of the fascist sympathizer, shriveled brain Yanks who are so ashamed to be such….. never seem to leave.
The Brain does, in fact, appear to be Static……no movement there at all. Perhaps it’s Dead Brain & likely brain-dead.