It looks like Mrs. T is reading some very sound literature these days. Any chance the Blairite currently leading the Tory party might be interested in something that challenges the orthodoxy like that book? I have my doubts.
Mrs. T knows a good book when she see itIt looks like Mrs. T is reading some very sound literature these days. Any chance the Blairite currently leading the Tory party might be interested in something that challenges the orthodoxy like that book? I have my doubts. 11 comments to Mrs. T knows a good book when she see it |
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James couldn’t have got a better endorsement!
Brief point, off topic: Did you make the A List, Perry?! 😉
It would be far better for all of us if most of our leadership could say something similar to “I’m a grocer’s daughter.” or “My father was a plumber.” instead of the current trend of “My father was a politician and my mother was a lawyer, too.”
Even more significant would be a requirement that any candidate for public office list the various jobs they had held to support themselves before they decided to run.
If it consists of nothing but political staff jobs and various forms of public tit-sucking, then the voters might be inspired to ask a very pertinent question—Just who does this candidate actually represent?
So much for the rumours of advanced Alzheimer’s…
Cor, at first I read that as Mr T … That would’ve been something else.
WOW…what an honor.
I think I must confess to having been more than a bit star stuck had I been in his shoes.
I see that Cameron has taken to bashing the big supermarket chains for their allegedly “predatory” pricing behaviours. If he had a clue about economics he’d realise that was nonsense. If supermarkets want to sell me tomatoes cheaper than from the guy in the corner shop, how is this supposed to be a bad thing? What a twit.
Good on James Bartholomew. The great thing about Maggie was that, for all her faults, she took ideas seriously and believed that change was possible, much to the chagrin of political doomsters. Glad to see the old girl is as sprightly as ever.
On the subject of Mr T; he has a new show in the US called wait for it…”I pity da fool!” Wait that could be a show about Cameron.
I liked the book and was pleased to see it getting this exposure. However I was surprised by this exchange.
Isn’t the idea that we don’t replace it with anything but instead leave these services to be provided by the market?
Simon, I agree with you. I think that people tend to forget that Maggie was not a laissez faire purist, as her less discriminating admirers and opponents liked to claim. Mrs T. would, as a practical politician, be looking to say to the skeptics: “Look, I have an alternative set of things to put in place of the current system.”
It may chill some people’s blood to say it, but Maggie was a pragmatist, although a lot more principled than most.
I agree that M. Thatcher was pragmatic – but the lady did want a less extensive state.
As for the Welfare State, I agree that voluntary action (civil interaction) is a better way of dealing with such things as education, health, and helping the poor. As long as we remember that this includes all voluntary (non state financed or ordered) action – not just “for profit” action.
One of the most disturbing features of the modern world is the corruption of voluntary action by state subsdies and regulations.
Maggie faced the fortimitable British civil service and won a few battles but not the war. There were quite a few things she wanted to do but was not able to do so because of the intrasigence of Sir Humpheries.