George W. Bush in free fall.
Nudge with cursor as necessary.
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Public opinion poll, illustratedApril 12th, 2006 |
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Brilliant – now all we need is ‘insert name here…’
ian got there first. I was thinking while I watched it, “Can we name the spheres?”
Very clever. What would be better would be to have three figures: Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Cameron.
So has anyone else managed to settle the Prez on a bed of spheres, in a stable configuration ?
Wow…… This is amazing!! Mad at George ………..this is therapy for all. He’s been awol lately. Come back soon.
It would be amusing if the world were not headed to hell with ample help from spineless Euro and US media elites and political types.
Like the post above says, the “free” world is exhausted and just looking for some one to surrender to.
So has anyone else managed to settle the Prez on a bed of spheres, in a stable configuration ?
He seems to do it himself, every 30 seconds or so. It takes nudging if I want him to keep falling… but I don’t really want to play the MSM’s role in this little game.
Bush’s appeasement of illegal aliens is certainly the cause of the recent downturn in his poll numbers.
Matthew Engel (Wisden editor) is a Guardianista, so his view not unexpected (suppose we should be grateful they didn’t appoint Mike Marqusee to the job)
They should have a list of different pols we could bash about. I’d love to have a go at Gordon Brown.
Congress is worse.
Bush’s brother is married to a Mexican, and he has Mexican nephews and nieces and I think this is awkward for him.
I want three of those pols all at the same time, Blair, Straw, Brown and David Cameron slithering around together, just like real life.
What never gets mentioned is that Bush has the highest poll numbers in Washington.
What this needs are some sound effects, occasional Bushisms, and obligatory blood spatter.
Bush’s nieces and nephews became Americans the old fashioned way: their mother married an American and gave birth in America, so they are about as Mexican as I am Scotch.
Nor was she some Juarez floozy veteran of a border bar donkey show. Her family is rather up there in Mexico. I doubt that they relate to the average border running illegal any better than Bush’s ditzy daughters do.