According to this BBC news report, the Labour party spent £ 7,700 on Cherie Blair’s hair during the election campaign. Not my idea of value for money. Sure they won, but still…
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Can Labour get a refund?According to this BBC news report, the Labour party spent £ 7,700 on Cherie Blair’s hair during the election campaign. Not my idea of value for money. Sure they won, but still… April 21st, 2006 |
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The woman’s grotesque.
Trying to make lamb out of mutton….
Greedie Boot, Greedie Boot,
Isn’t she a ruddy hoot?
It could be worse they could have spent that much on Prescott’s wife hair. That Cruella d’ Ville look costs a lot of money.
Best of all is the response from the labour party when questioned about it.
A Labour spokeswoman said: “So what? We won the election.”
Charmers aren’t they!
Just goes to show you can’t buy it all… David Blunkett’s dog looked better groomed.
What a stunningly unbelievable cow. I’d so love to see them nail her for some fraud or other…
Is this what they mean by a bad hair day
dearieme – You are right. She is a greedie boot. That gaping mouth is the stuff of nightmares.
As a good Labourite, I can’t see why Mrs Bliar didn’t practice what she preaches – and let the local council do it.
I am sure that those pensioners who voted labour will be delighted that Cherie’s hair for the campaign cost only slightly more than the married couples annual pension.
Bollocks to Cherie, it is the Queen’s 80th Birthday. Gawd bless yer mam!
Ma’am Jonathan, Ma’am. She’s not your mother from “Up North”. Show some respect or I’ll put ya in The Tower myself.
Couldn’t NewLab’ve saved themselves GBP7699.99 by the simple expedient of obtaining a paper bag?
Nick M – Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
News for Cherie – that ancient Mayan “rebirthing ceremony” didn’t work.
Yes it did- she just mispronounced the ancient Mayan phrase for ‘make me look like Gisele Bundchen’ so it came out like ‘make me look like Anne Widdecombe’. Don’t blame the Mayans.
My dad (who comes from Co Durham, grew up with lifelong Labour voters, and despises the Blairs with a searing passion, especially Cherie), as soon as he heard this, looked at me and said, “That money could have gone on so many other things . . . like plastic surgery for her.”
He’s a right bitch when he wants to be, is my dad.
The very first time I saw Cherie’s picture I was vaguely reminded of Cruela de Vil from the original book illustrations in 101 Dalmatians. The resemblance becomes stronger by the day.
Saif – Snap! Me too!
A certain Samizdata contributor has a number of Disney coffee mugs, one of which has a picture of a smiling Cruela De Vil on it. I must admit I too thought it was Cherie Blair the moment I saw it – something about the letterbox mouth and the eyes.
I think that pixie haircut shot was the most alarming.
It played up those mad eyes and that huge, greedy mouth. Perhaps her hairdresser votes Tory.
Ron Liddle has a nice, mean piece about Cherieeee in today’s Times. (Link)
On the other hand, Dave has an utterly moronic piece in The Telegraph explaining how he is going to “put Britain on a gree highway”. Those fools who voted for him must be ruing the day … (Link) Needless to say, I was among the tens of thousands who have no intention of reading it.