While I am on the subject of lists, check this out for the world’s 10 weirdest keyboards. I think I might give myself a serious physical injury trying to use some of them. (Hat tip: Catallarchy).
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Another listWhile I am on the subject of lists, check this out for the world’s 10 weirdest keyboards. I think I might give myself a serious physical injury trying to use some of them. (Hat tip: Catallarchy). April 3rd, 2006 |
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I have tried to use the vertical keyboard thing…they were for sale in several computer shops I used to frequent. I used to have an ergonomic keyboard that at first felt like you about to fall over it.
Thanks – most interesting. the Frog Pad looks very tempting, as does the Wrist PC, but it would take a lot to tempt me into giving up my Happy Hacking keyboard.
I’ve seen this list before. It’s cool. There’s not enough innovation in keyboards. The manufacturers seem to think we all want more keys that open Outlook etc. I want fewer. I almost got a roll-up recently but decided I had no idea how I’d use it. I use an IBM scrollpoint k/board and am tempted to buy an old original AT k/board as well. They’re kinda pricey for something 20 years old, but like Col Kilgour, I prefer a heavy to a light board” and the ol’ IBM k/boards will still be working when defrosted at the end of the next ice-age. The sensible part of me, though, says just get a Saitek illuminated for games at night. Anybody here got one? Do they have a good positive clicky action?
It’s only a prototype, but…
… this is a babe of a keyboard with a super-cool feature.
I,ve had one of the Datahand keyboards for 3 years now. I went from wearing wrist splints from too much typing to complete comfort in about a week. I can’t imagine not having it now. Highly recommended.
I thought the laser keyboard was devastatingly cool looking but I’m sure I would end up using the rollup for comfort on the road.
I used the virtual laser keyboard, that really is spiffy. Its hard on the fingers though, as you’re tapping away on a hard tabletop rather than keys, so you can’t use it for very long I suppose with a bit of practice you would stop trying to press on the table but I know when I used it for 15 minutes I thought my fingers were going to fall off.
I’ve used Kinesis countoured keyboards for about six years. Kind of pricey, at US$300 for the QWERTY/Dvorak switchable and programmable model, but my wrists don’t hurt despite typically 80 hrs/wk at the computer. (And that’s mainly typing, text and code, not just surfing.)