First off, as if it is not entirely obvious, I am not the least bit unbiased about the album and people who made it as I have known most of them for fifteen years. Some of them are amongst my closest friends. With that said… if you like Irish traditional music, watch this space for information on how to buy “Tripswitch” the new album by Johnny McSherry, Donal O’Connor and friends.
The tripswitch, by the way, was in a country town recording studio I know well. A ‘to remain un-named’ member of the band attempted to light a cigarette from the toaster and somehow managed to trip the main breaker. I have been led to believe the eponymous tune was composed in the dark whilst efforts were made to figure out what had happened.
While I am on the subject of album release parties, if you are in New York City, another very dear friend, NIamh Parsons, has a release show for her new CD ‘The Old Simplicity,’ on Tuesday March 14 7:30PM at the Cutting Room, 19 W.24th St.
But now back to Belfast on on with the fun and festivities! The night began with a typical launch ceremony. That is to say wine, some food, speeches by assorted people involved with the creation of the album, sales of the first copies of the newborn and a chance to get the artists to sign your copy.

The band wishes to thank…
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

The free wine did not last long.
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

A crowd of friends, fans and family looked on.
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

As soon as the wine ran out and the speeches were over, the band and close friends nipped out for a few pints at a nearby pub.
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

This was a very rare occasion: Johnny, Tiona, Paul and Joann McSherry all in one place at one time!
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

With the initial warmup done, we returned to the venue so the band could get ready. This is Johnny going over the set list with Paul, Francie McIlduff and Donal.
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

The first half of the night. John McSherry on pipes.
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

The band.
Photos: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

Francie McIlduff, of the musical McPeake clan, on pipes.
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

Johnny on the whistle.
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

A nice wide shot of the stage. If you are a really very serious Trad head, here is a 77MB downloadable video of most of one song. Listen and then go buy a CD! And PS: did I say this is a very, very long download? And that if you try to play it directly it won’t work because there is not enough bandwidth here?
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

Halftime. The audience runs for the bar… watching music is such thirsty work!
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

Paul McSherry and Ruben Boda practice some riffs before the second half of the show. And yes, it really is a green room!
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

Tiona McSherry joins brothers John and Paul for a song. ( Downloadable 8MB video clip here. Don’t try playing it directly: there ain’t enough bandwidth here!).
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

After the gig we all went off to the real album release party.
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

I wondered if the DJ felt like a target? But he did know to play Led Zeppelin for John!
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

There was much drinking, dancing and merriment all around!
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.

John McSherry near the end of the night, perhaps pondering his next album…
Photo: Dale Amon, all rights reserved.
Completely off topic post deleted by editor
I’ve never seen this blog used to advertise someone’s mates stuff 😉 Perhaps you should email Cherie Blair and ask if she’s got something to plug. She usually has.
We often talk about things we are doing and state the connection. We are not paid for doing this work. The fun is in being able to write whatever we damn well please.
As I said to a journalist, I do not do his job. I am more like a ‘primary source’. I write about music because often times I know the people personally; I wrte about commercial space because I have perhaps 20 years of ‘history’ with most of them; we write what we know and what we feel strongly about.
And btw, it just so happens that John McSherry is (depending on opinion) either the *best* or ‘one of’ the best Uilleen pipers in Ireland. Every member of the family is a recording artist. Johm and Paul also worked on Niamh Parson’s first album, using the same studio where the tripswitch is, and I was there most of the time while the Loose Connections album was being produced.
If you are not interested in an insiders view of Irish trad, the scroll bar is easy to use. Likewise with an insiders view of Commercial Space, Space activism, the IT industry and the LP.
And just so you are forewarned, I will be doing a blatant advertisement for the upcoming 25th International Space Development Conference… I am chair of the oversight committee and a nominee for the National Space Society Board… but I’d do it anyway.
If you want passion in the writing you read, you need to read people who care about what they are writing. Your choice.
Relax, I was just being irreverant. Which is something I have a passion for – some would say obsession.
It might surprise you, but I’ve actually read the “Samizdata Editorial Policy”.
BTW Have Tripswitch got any mp3 samples on the web?
I don’t know… other than the video clips I have in the article, one of which is quite large.
John has recorded with so many people that you are bound to be able to find something on him somewhere. Tamalin was the family band; he was with Niamh Parsons and the Loose Connections for a couple albums; he and Mike McGoldrick recorded “At First Light”.
Hmmm… I almost forgot about this. A leftover from when I supplied Niamh a web site at Genesis Project Ltd. There are a couple songs there and Johnny plays the pipes and whistle on them.
Sorry, those links are dead… I’ll see if I can find the files they used to hook to.
Got it
Ah Dale – wish I was there – but as you know I was high flying it in NY – and wish you had been there too – unfortunately a 2 hour drive after the gig towards Washington DC put paid to any serious drinking – but a good night was had by all.
I enjoyed the blog
Hi Dale,
Hope you recovered from the party. it was some night.
Just to let you know we have some mp3 clips and cd’s for sale on
Seee you in MAddens or somewhere soon
In fact, I will be there tomorrow night, along with another one of our writers! He’s an Aussie. He can survive a night out with the gang 😉
I am your stranger,
you have passed me
in your past
and every time I hear your name,
I look over my shoulder.
On both sides.
Just to catch a glimpse
of the invisible that exists.