It is the patriotic duty of all of us to skip political commercials.
– Craig Newmark, founder of Craig’s List, speaking at SXSW
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Samizdata quote of the dayIt is the patriotic duty of all of us to skip political commercials. – Craig Newmark, founder of Craig’s List, speaking at SXSW March 16th, 2006 |
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It is our duty to put our fingers in our ears and sing, “la la la la la la I can’t hear you” for the duration. Agreed.
Can someone tell me what Craig’s List is? I’ve seen it in a lot of places, but it doesn’t seem to be a blog.
Like Verity I’ve heard of Craig’s list, but I’m bugeered if I know where.
Anyway, here’s a political commercial you may not want to skip – required reading for all Mancunians (at the least).
I forgot the link, bugger. I did this very quickly, sorry.
Craig’s List is a community which originally served the San Francisco Bay area. All sorts of stuff- think of it as a big classified ads column and semi-discussion forum.
Remember- Google is your friend 😉
They really are shysters at Geocities. Sorry folks.
I think of Graig’s list as a giant “classified ad” site. It probably has more to it.
It looks insane.
By a simply incredible coincidence, The (Barclay-brothers owned) ran a piece on Craig’s List today. Trawling sites for story ideas.
Telegraph. (Link)
Oddly appropriate that ‘bugger’ was used as an exclamation in this thread, as gay hook-ups are what really caused Craigslist to first take off.
(not that there’s anything wrong with that)