Whoever said “there is no such thing as bad publicity” obviously never had their career “Dan Rather’ed” into tiny pieces by the twenty thousand bloggers.
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Samizdata quote of the daySamizdata Illuminatus (Arkham, Massachusetts) · Independent sites, Blogging & Bloggers · Slogans & Quotations Whoever said “there is no such thing as bad publicity” obviously never had their career “Dan Rather’ed” into tiny pieces by the twenty thousand bloggers. February 24th, 2006 |
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No credit–is that a Samizdata original quote? If so, then congratulations on having come up with it.
“Constant popping off of proverbs will make thee a by-work itself.”
Yes, that was one of our pseudonymous contributors in full flow the other day
Whomever was the author, they are very true words.
Dan Rather……interesting choice, wouldn’t David Irving, or Ernst Zundel be more topical, or do you just mean freedom of speech you agree with? There is nothing more amusing than watching a bunch of pofaced, bed-wetting, conformist sheep presenting themselves as fearless rebel warriors. “Samizdat”… what Gulag did you guys crawl out of? The great big Gulag of pampered middle-class White America perhaps?