Nothing says “I love you” quite like saturated fat and slutty lingerie.
And as St. Valentine’s day is typically associated with dreamy soft focus pictures…
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Happy Anti-Valentines DayNothing says “I love you” quite like saturated fat and slutty lingerie. And as St. Valentine’s day is typically associated with dreamy soft focus pictures… February 14th, 2006 |
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Did you take that pic standing next to Dick Cheney?
Nothing says “i love you” quite like a picture of a girl with weaponry in slutty lingerie. Any chance?
My kind of valentines day photo. Sensibly dressed for the weather, sensibly armed.
After we shoot some commies, may I make you dinner?
Left-handed, eh, Adriana?
How very subversive of you.
A true combat rifle…person will be able to shoot off either shoulder, switching as appropriate depending on the available cover (which btw is why bullpup rifles are a terrible idea).
Asked a friend of mine to go barhopping with me many years ago. He said he couldn’t. When I started ragging on him for being whipped, he just said, “A few years ago I made the mistake of taking her out and showing how to shoot. I’m going home.”
I made the mistake of getting my wife a sawzall for her birthday one year. Watching her cut through 2X4″s is all the incentive I need to behave myself. (Not like there’s an army of burned out old fart groupies just waiting for me to slip up)
Happy Valentine’s to all. I truly hope that there is someone special in each of your lives, or at least in your future.
When I teach women how to shoot skeet, when we get to station 7 low house, I tell them ‘just imagine your husband/boyfriend running away from you, and then shoot right between the cheeks of his little a**.’
I’m beginning to think that that’s not the best image that I could use for this . . . .
Well, that might work for me, provided it would make them run faster…
I am currently waiting for the wife’s Christmas/birthday/Valentine’s present to arrive:
Remington 700 Police, .223 Rem, 1-in-9″ bbl, Meopta 4-16×44 mildot scope :D:D:D
And she asked for it, too!
What a shame posting pics isn’t allowed. I recently had the opportunity to take a Thompson M1A1 submachinegun for a test drive at the range and have an appropriate Valentines Day photograph.
Happiness is a warm gun…
Except the FAMAS G2 AR, which has a quite handy flipover which makes it ambidextrous. Still, a dreadful weapon to fire though …
Jules… unless I am mistaken (it does happen), the FAMAS ‘switch over’ is to make the weapon suitable for southpaws but this cannot be done ‘on the fly’ when moving from doorway to doorway and moving the weapon from shoulder to shoulder as cover dictates.
Perry is right. Switching the FAMAS is a lot more involved than moving the little plastic cover. You have to disassemble the whole mechanism to switch the ejector so that the casing goes the other way. And it’s not a user-friendly process.
Otherwise, I’m surprised. Adriana looks like your average New Hampshire woman when I show up at her door with flowers.
Julian, yes… I just looked over the FAMAS manual. The ejection can be set to left or right by reversing the extractor and plug after dismantling the bolt and the cheek rest must be reversed. It cannot be done ‘tactically’.
Adriana, Perry… we really need to have an Samizdata editors day at the range some day!
Dale, well, could someone please include me in that as a humble contributor? Let’s choose a location.
That’s what Czechs do… pose with guns. But they rarely fire them, which is why Prague was preserved to become a location for costume drama. And Warsaw wasn’t.
Velvet revolutionary: The picture was taken in Pennsylvania, with a fair amount of rounds being fired that day…
So no danger of costume drama.
The photo is flipped horizontally, right?. I seem to recall the cocking lever being on the left side of those.
If you arrange it for New Hampshire we could probably use my clubs ranges.
We could also book a few lanes at the Firing Line in Manchester for some full auto fun!
Surely the ultimate classy declaration of undying love has to be a text message, i.e. “I LV U”
Nothing says “I love you” quite like saturated fat and slutty lingerie.
Pictures, PICTURES!!!
Nope, they cock on the right as in the picture