No compromise with the main purpose, no peace till victory, no pact with unrepentant wrong
– Winston Churchill
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Samizdata quote of the dayNo compromise with the main purpose, no peace till victory, no pact with unrepentant wrong January 20th, 2006 |
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I thought i would drop on by and see how one of my favorite british sites was getting along…
I see you’ve become well acquainted with this new hypocritical truce offering from the nutcase who dwells somewhere within a middle-eastern cave. If he’s still alive that is!
Hope everyone of you guys & girls stay in good health!
I always thought NewLabour was the “unrepentent wrong”.
p.s. Did Ruth Kelly apologise or did she just ‘regret’, as in Japan?
I think bin Laden has bin daid for quite some time.
Churchill had a pact with Uncle Joe – unrepentant wrong personified.
And once the Nazis were out of the way, urged te Yanks to take a more forceful line with them, not little effect initially alas. Also, and letting the Communists take most of the casualties fighting the Nazis was wrong how exactly?
You know as well as being ruled by Communists, the Russian soldiers fighting the Nazis were also people pretty similar to the British and Americans on other fronts.
Real leaders, as in the type who significantly assist in preserving civilization, as Churchill certainly did, have absolute convictions, and are relentless in pursuit of their goals.
Neither of these characteristics is popular with the tranzis, chatterers, and other members of the ethereal set. Like Aunt Pitty-Pat, they get the vapors in the presence of firmly held, belligerent opinions.
Whenever I get too depressed about the state of the world, it helps me to remember that men and women like that really have existed, and surely do today.
” Also, and letting the Communists take most of the casualties fighting the Nazis was wrong how exactly?”
Oh, yeah, because we could have sent all those spare forces to fight the eastern front, but clever old Churchill just let the Russians do that. And their catastrophic losses were of course nothing to do with the Russians’ military incompetence at all.
One could no doubt say the same about the German soldiers too, as they were also humans ‘pretty similar to the British and Americans’. So what?