The Dissident Frogman has infiltrated HQ, snuck into the wine cellar and photographed the target for tonight…
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Happy New Year from Samizdata.netThe Dissident Frogman has infiltrated HQ, snuck into the wine cellar and photographed the target for tonight… January 1st, 2006 |
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A well stocked house!
Perry and the Frogman drank all that by themselves? I don’t believe it. Who were the other willing helpers?
So you’re the ones responsible for the run on Champagne!
I helped out. Hic!
Who was the cheapskate who only brought half a bot?
OT: Did any of you see the mention of Samizdata here
as an anarchist site?
Hmmm … written by a Stephen Mulvey. This needs to be reported over at Biased BBC.
I don’t remember any discussions of this logo.
I just posted it as a complaint at Biased-BBC on a thread near the top initiated by Natalie, which begins with “Adloyada”. This blog allows OT comments, so if anyone else wants to write in, this is where my complaint is up.
Lucky you.
We had a Château La Garde, appelation Pessac-Léognan contrôlée, 1999, Gironde. There are still a few good things in France, and bottles are safer than cars on new year eve in Paris.
Bonne année, Alice! Nice to hear from you!
To call samizdatists anarchist is revealing. How old, or rather how collectivist is that journalist Stephen Mulvey? Anarchic is the present management of our taxes and social funds, increasing our debts and our – occidental – demographic deficit, and leading us to chaos, therefore almost all our politicians, and journalists are anarchists, (and artists too in France because they live on subsidies).
“Après moi le déluge”,”After me the flood,” words of Madam de Pompadour and not, as often thought, the words of Louis, her lover, the next-to-last. A prophecy of the French Revolution
Bonne année” to Verity (I still read your comments) and to all the” samizdatists.
Did I spy a bottle of Babycham on the left? Product of the Showerings’ vineyard?
The ‘babycham’ was actually a bottle of this:
(click for bigger image)
Merci, Alice! I didn’t know that Mme de Pompadour was the one who said “Aprés moi, le deluge!”
I trust you are all aware that alcohol will be banned from all public places by 2009, and from sale for private consumption from 2015. Don’t you know that it’s bad for you? 😉