2nd November 2001 to 2nd November 2005 and it is 7,220 articles and 92,741 comments later (we added comments in August 2002).
Blimey, time flies.
And happy blogiversery as well to Natalie and all hail to our blogfather. Cheers, Glenn.
Happy Blogiversery to us2nd November 2001 to 2nd November 2005 and it is 7,220 articles and 92,741 comments later (we added comments in August 2002). Blimey, time flies. And happy blogiversery as well to Natalie and all hail to our blogfather. Cheers, Glenn. 26 comments to Happy Blogiversery to us |
All content on this website (including text, photographs, audio files, and any other original works), unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License. |
I didn’t realise there were blogs in 2001. I think I tend to think things were invented shortly before I discovered them…
Congratulations and have a very happy birthday.
Perry, thanks to getting me into this gig all those years ago. Bloody hell, that’s a lotta pixels!
Congratulations to Samizdata and all who sail in her! What a great blog!
Well done Guys and gals, Happy Birthday Samizdata!
Wish I’d found it sooner. Happy birthday!
Congrats on 4 years of faithful service to the blog readers. It struck me just how long it was been when I realise how long I had known Mommabear for. (For those who don’t know I acquired MB has a blog-partner via Samizdata.)
Congratulations! Keep up the good work! 🙂
The fact that Samizdata attracts the most highly informed, varied and lucid commentariat I’ve come across is ample proof of its quality. Without a doubt one of the very best blogs around.
Happy anniversary!
Good work one & all – keep those posts coming
Well done, Samizdata!
Still the first thing to read every day.
Hmm.. and that used to be a newspaper, didn’t it?
Yes, but it also attracts me…
But seriously, well done.
And what’s more, the Samizdata family shows no signs of strife, infighting or any other of the sort of internal problem that so often beset groups over time. We actually all *like* each other, soI expect that means you will have to suffer with us for a very long time to come!
Euan, don’t be so bloody self-deprecating. Keep stirring us up and keeping my libertarian argumentation skills up to scratch.
Very well done, people. Thanks for so many stimulating conversations, any many happy returns:-)
Since the demise of Tacitus, smothered in political nonsense and “gotcha” fisking wars, this is one of the few sites in which rational discussions about serious issues can still take place.
I appreciate more than I can say your continuing courtesy and indulgence to an obviously demented old fool, who isn’t even a proper libertarian to begin with, and wish you happy birthday, and many happy returns of the day.
Happy birthday, guys and gals. Samizdata always has been – and I hope always will be – required reading.
Where’s the cake, then?
Happy birthday, guys and gals. Samizdata always has been – and I hope always will be – required reading.
Where’s the cake, then?
Congratulations ! And thanks to the editors for running this blog and hosting all commenters.
Many happy returns of the day, and thanks to all who provide the service.
Well done! Keep up the good work.
Hey, Samizdata’s birthday is just three days before mine. (Yes, I was born on Guy Fawkes Day.)
Samizdata always has great articles and their comments sections frequently have some of the most engaging discussions that I know of. It is a strange pleasure to witness the growth of comments on your favourite Samizdata article when you get back from work – like measuring the growth of a well-watered exotic plant – or something quite like it.
So well done, editors, contributors and commentariat!
There was another birthday today.
(Link)One Year Today, Lest We Forget
Theo van Gogh (July 23, 1957 – November 2, 2004)
If there’s one thing this blog does prove, veryretired, it is that there is no such thing as a proper libertarian.
Another thing this blog proves is that we ARE a nation of binge drinkers: check the low produtivity rates for the day after the blogiversary!!!
Hangovers methinks?
Cheers to you all!!
If I’m not mistaken, when I first started reading this site, the word “blog” didn’t exist (and the site took a bloody long time to load). At any rate, it sits at the top of my un-alphabetized favorites list, so it must have been one of the first. Good work!