Which of the people in this photo is the Samizdata editor?
Ed: The woman is Tayla, a very fine heavy metal guitarist. She lives guitar. The band is The Pink Meat.
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A quiz for our readersWhich of the people in this photo is the Samizdata editor? Ed: The woman is Tayla, a very fine heavy metal guitarist. She lives guitar. The band is The Pink Meat. October 29th, 2005 |
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Adriana, of course!
Hahahaha. No Verity, Adriana is about 40 lbs lighter than the lady in that picture. The editor in question has his head trimmed to facilitate direct internet feeds straight into his brain.
I know Adriana’s slender but thought it was a bad angle because the lady was bending over awkwardly. Well, well, silly me! (Apologies to Adriana!) What song were you requesting, Perry?
Nope, not me either.
Oh, arggghhh! I’m not playing any more! It’s not fair!
Now, while I’ve only met one (of the three editors) since there are only three and two have been narrowed out….I guess Dale Amon.
and it’s taken in an Indie club in New York
It is of course the one-and-only Dale Amon!
Given the current condition of individual freedom, I assume the karaoke anthem was ‘I will survive’.
Indeed: Dale and I were in New York at the same time last week, and he very kindly showed me around some of the music scene on the lower east side. The lady Dale is talking to sings and plays guitar for a band called “The Pink Meat”. She is good, too.
I’m still awaiting your photo post from the consumption of large quantities of wine with Taylor at NWN before we went out drinking.
Yeah, come on, libboes, it’s been a while since your last slew of ‘this is us getting pissed’ pix. A great Samizdata tradition needs refreshing.
The Pink Meat, ay?
This is what I love about this blog. It’s just so f#&$in metal!
m/ m/
Yeah I figured out it was Dale Amon. I have heard good things about that band and looking forward to hearing something from them soon.