The last pub covered in this series is one I have known for the longest time: Paddy Reilly’s. I first came to it whilst traveling with Irish bass guitarist Dee Moore a decade ago. There has been some remodeling since then, but Tony DeMarco’s Thursday session goes on. I have no idea how long he has been at it but he has become a New York institution. He is also a very fine fiddle player, known and welcome in any session in Ireland.

The session in full flight. Tony DeMarco on fiddle at left.
Photo: D.Amon, all rights reserved
I arrived a bit early tonight and while sipping my first pint of the evening overheard a fellow I had never seen before. He told a couple at the bar how tightly knit the global traditional music scene is: how you can go to a session anywhere and in a few minutes chat with a new found trad player find people you know in common.
I put it to the test and I hit it in one. In fact, of the first six people I named there was only one who was not well known to us both. Later in the evening the fellow’s name, Jon Hicks, finally clicked in my mind. The aforementioned old friend, Dee, produced his first CD.
Jon is from Northern England; he lived in the West of Ireland for a number of years and is now on the road to becoming a permanent New York resident. From the quality of picking I heard, I believe he will be a welcomed addition to the local music scene.

Singer-Songwriter Jon Hicks.
Photo: D.Amon, all rights reserved
It was a lovely session, typical of the decades long run of Tony’s session. Whether due to the events in London or just vageries of the summer holidays, the crowd was thin tonight. Not too thin though. We had a lively young woman who had her first introduction to Irish traditional music and was totally enthralled by the skilled musicianship involved. I think she will be back.

Trad music seems to attracts beautiful women.
Photo: D.Amon, all rights reserved
My first check to Samizdata for a long time, and I find an Irish session review! I don’t know if these have been ongoing, but I found it very interesting, and would love to see more. As long as you’re in NYC, have you been to Mona’s yet? The live CD they released of that session last year was tremendous….
Yep, just scroll back to Monday night of that week and you will find Mona’s!