Read this…
…then read this.
Oh how sweet and utterly deserved. As they would say in the on-line gaming world: owned!
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Oh now this is sweet…Read this… …then read this. Oh how sweet and utterly deserved. As they would say in the on-line gaming world: owned! June 25th, 2005 |
![]() 11 comments to Oh now this is sweet… |
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Personally, 50P was too cheap and shrieked too much of hurt and revenge. OTT. She’d have had the same instant response for £118, and that would have been meaner.
Or not any more, in this case.
Nice blog.
More interesting to me is the question whether the tax authorities charged only on the 50p sale price or on the book value of the car. (Do you guys have to pay sales taxes or transfer taxes on used car sales?)
Tim Haas,
(Do you guys have to pay sales taxes or transfer taxes on used car sales?)
No. Sales Tax (or VAT as it is known here) only to applies to sales of new vehicles.
Is having your name on the “log book” (does she mean the V5C Registration Certificate?) proof of ownership?
“Pwned!!!111” if you’re striving for accuracy.
They call it Pwnage.
And they would say that the French and Dutch were sick of the European 1337…
*1337 = elite
They might also add that EU bureaucrats are just laggy tking NOOBS who should be kicked or even banned from their European server…
“Is having your name on the “log book” (does she mean the V5C Registration Certificate?) proof of ownership?”
No, it just shows the “registered keeper”, and a note says “The Registered Keeper is not necessarily the legal owner”.
Have a look at the last item she bought as well. Looks like the husband was less than satisfactory in more than one way!