Comment is free but facts are sacred.
C.P. Scott, who knew about running newspapers in the 20th century. The New York Times has decided to reverse this maxim.
(Via Ann Althouse)
Samizdata quote of the day
C.P. Scott, who knew about running newspapers in the 20th century. The New York Times has decided to reverse this maxim. (Via Ann Althouse) 5 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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“Facts are sacred”: from a Grauniad man – very satirical.
dearieme writes:
“”Facts are sacred”: from a Grauniad man – very satirical.”
Huh! A real Guardian man would have written “facts are scared”.
Coops: that’s what he had intended.
The Independent did the same.
This seems to me to be the vital Ann Althouse quote:
“Reading and blogging are a merged activity for me, and I’ll invest my reading time in things I can link to.”
The point is not that no people are willing to pay to read things. It is that the blogosphere, being so full of readers who are not willing to pay to read things, will not link to things that demand payment. Or even any bullshit form filling.
This is actually what Althouse is on about, not the degree to which the MSM do or do not get their facts correct.
And the other key quote is the sting in the tail:
“Is the Times unwittingly pushing young people away from liberal thinking?”
In other words, you can either get paid, or you can get seriously listened to, by the next generation.
The MSM are now having to decide whether they are in it for the money, or the politics. This means that the Capitalist/Leftie alliance that is at the heart of the MSM could now be seriously unravelling.
Very good news.