I’m all for equality. I am. That’s why I let my female staff work longer than the men so they can earn the same.
– the Pub Landlord on telly last night
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Samizdata quote of the dayI’m all for equality. I am. That’s why I let my female staff work longer than the men so they can earn the same. – the Pub Landlord on telly last night March 20th, 2005 |
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*Shakes head, totally bewildered by the British Pub Culture reference*
And another thing; when is the Culture Blog coming back?
Scott, Brian’s blog is being fixed as we speak (blog?)…
Brian – he’s been telling that same joke for at *least* a decade…
You’re suffering for your art:
Good for him, it’s very funny, and I’m very grateful that he kept repeating it long enough for me to finally hear it.
That one about Wilkinsonland (i.e. Australia) is starting to date badly, though. Wilkinson hasn’t played for England since the World Cup, and England are consequently not at all what they were. (I’m talking about rugby by the way.)
Brian – I found it funny when I first heard it too. Which was when I was in year 10 (15 years of age) – I’m 24 now. Haven’t heard the Wilkinsonland joke, though… as an Aussie I mightn’t be so amused – even on the first telling. 🙂