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A combat tale

It is late but I simply must share this tale with you.

The MP’s crossed the kill zone and then turned up an access road at a right angle to the ASR and next to the field full of enemy fighters. The three vehicles, carrying nine MPs and one medic, stopped in a line on the dirt access road and flanked the enemy positions with plunging fire from the .50 cal and the SAW machinegun (Squad Automatic Weapon). In front of them, was a line of seven sedans, with all their doors and trunk lids open, the getaway cars and the lone two story house off on their left.

The battle results are described later:

Those seven Americans (with the three wounded) killed in total 24 heavily armed enemy, wounded 6 (two later died), and captured one unwounded, who feigned injury to escape the fight. They seized 22 AK-47s, 6x RPG launchers w/ 16 rockets, 13x RPK machineguns, 3x PKM machineguns, 40 hand grenades, 123 fully loaded 30-rd AK magazines, 52 empty mags, and 10 belts of 2500 rds of PK ammo.

The story has probably been covered in the US. We all know how knowledgeable most journalists are about military matters… so read a real battle report. It is really quite an awesome little vignette. It shows just how good our military folk are at their job.

13 comments to A combat tale

  • I'm suffering for my art


  • Sean

    Should Gorbachev be credited with the unintended consequences of his policies? He has himself stated that what happened in 1989 was NOT what he wanted.

  • Otter

    The story has probably been covered in the US.

    I was about to make a snide remark to the effect of “No, we only get news about Terri Schiavo and Michael Jackson. There’s a war taking place, you say?”

    But I see the link has a link to an ABC story, so good for them. The remarkable thing is that not only was this battle fought by American MP’s, they were National Guardsmen (and women), not regulars!

  • Pico

    Covered by the media? An American Success? Don’t make me laugh. That’s why I go to the net for what’s really happening. Pico

  • John K

    I wonder what the casualty figures would be like if it were not for Kevlar and ceramic armour? Still, fair play to the National Guard on this one.

  • JSAllison

    So we’re supposed to what, take the armor off in some sort of misplaced spirit of fair play? @#$% that.

    Hypocrisy, your name is non sequitir

  • Dale Amon

    Yep, two nations seperated by a common language… 😉

  • John K

    So we’re supposed to what, take the armor off in some sort of misplaced spirit of fair play? @#$% that.

    Hypocrisy, your name is non sequitir

    I honestly do not have a clue what you’re talking about!

  • You didn’t mention that that many of the MPs involved in this combat were women too.
    Count up all the weaponry they captured, and there’s enough for at least 40 opponents.

  • Dale Amon

    I didn’t feel it necessary. The best way to honour them is simply call them soldiers… and very good ones at that.

  • I'm suffering for my art

    Very good point, Dale. To emphasise the soldiers’ gender just because some may be women is patronising; not to mention irrelevant, as the outcome of the scuffle confirmed.

  • Richard G. Combs

    Very good point, Dale. To emphasise the soldiers’ gender just because some may be women is patronising; not to mention irrelevant, as the outcome of the scuffle confirmed.

    I disagree. The issue of women in combat has been much debated in the US for years. And conservatives — the very people most likely to cheer such an account of battlefield triumph — have offered endless arguments against women in combat, many of which have been patronizing (not to mention condescending and denigrating).

    Therefore, I consider it highly appropriate to point out that a woman sergeant took the lead in flanking and wiping out the attackers — precisely to make the point that her sex was irrelevant to the outcome.

    I believe the sergeant in question may become the first female US soldier to get a combat medal (bronze or silver star). I think that’s worth noting — and celebrating — as another nail in the coffin of conservative’s “women can’t/shouldn’t fight” argument.

  • I see no harm in rubbing in the fact that the jihadis are getting beaten by women.

    We must do all we can for their morale.