The Great International Petroleum Exchange Uprising was noted here earlier, and plans for a T-shirt commemorating the event are in the works.
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“Sod off, swampy!”The Great International Petroleum Exchange Uprising was noted here earlier, and plans for a T-shirt commemorating the event are in the works. February 19th, 2005 |
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Put me down for a container-load! A lapel badge would be suitable for the city, too.
That T-shirt’s a mess. The message gets lost in all that busy artwork. Also, Swampy should have had an exclamation mark after it. It’s a mess.
I want a Sod off, Swampy! T-shirt, but not this one. Mugs would be good too, for City traders. I hope someone else is working on it.
Verity – better than nothing, though I do agree the design could be improved. Are you the artistic type?
If anyone knows of a site selling Sod off, Swampy! T-shirts, please let me know. Or, I’d quite a like a mug, actually.
You can design & sell your own T-shirts at Cafe Press
Hello, Susan! Can’t imagine anything I’d like to do less than designing a T-shirt!
I think Tim Blair mentioned that someone was already doing this in Oz, but I’ve decided I’d rather have a mug. I am not a big T-shirt person and I don’t know that I want to wear clothes that people read.
Nice to see you back, though!
I’ve had a quick go at a design here – dk about the copyright so shush
Hi Verity,
Thanks for the kind words of welcome! I’ve been hanging out at Biased BBC lately, fighting the good fight against The Ministry of Truth.
Check out the latest example of indoctrination I found:
Using a feature on toys and board games to slag off on capitalism; how low can you get? — i.e. look at the last paragraph.
I was hoping someone provide a translation of “Sod off, swampy!” for a slang-challenged Yank. Please? I’m a bit desperate.
unless I misunderstand British slang, “Sod off, Swampy” = “Fuck off, Swampy.”
Thank you, Richard. I had no doubt there was a heap of disparagement in the remark. But how do we get from “sod” to “f—“? Being etymology challenged, I thought “sod off” might be the equivalent of our ever popular “eat dirt.” This would imply a snowless and obviously punishing face plant.
And so clueless, I don’t even get the “Swampy” part. Could that mean “drunken” or “filthy” perhaps?
Hi Helen,
I visited your “Brief History of a Potato” slide show and pic #14 did not open up. Did you cover those fries in catsup or was the catsup on the side for dipping?
It’s okay for you to just email me the answer since this reply is going off the thread a little bit.
Hi Helen,
I visited your “Brief History of a Potato” slide show and pic #14 did not open up. Did you cover those fries in catsup or was the catsup on the side for dipping?
It’s okay for you to just email me the answer since this reply is going off the thread a little bit.
Hi Susan,
To find out more and possibly get it, got to
anti-monopoly – the full story
Susan.. this is the link…
“Sod off” comes from “sodomy” or “sodomite”. “Sod you!” is occasionally heard as a term of abuse in England. It can be used as a noun also: “poor bloody sod.” It’s considered rather coarse, as you might expect, having the same connotation and derivation as “bugger”.
I think “Swampy” is just an abusive nickname for the kind of aggressively radical environmentalist commonly seen in Europe. Some of them dress like forest elves and smell like a mushroom farm.
That T-shirt’s a mess. The message gets lost in all that busy artwork.
First, let me thank Samizdata for the link. That was awfully swill of you guys. Just a note about that shot ~ it was the working board for the design, which has turned out quite nicely we think, on the t shirts as well as our mugs.
Again, thanks loads .
That T-shirt’s a mess. The message gets lost in all that busy artwork.
First, let me thank Samizdata for the link. That was awfully swill of you guys. Just a note about that shot ~ it was the working board for the design, which has turned out quite nicely we think, on the t shirts as well as our mugs.
Again, thanks loads .
That T-shirt’s a mess. The message gets lost in all that busy artwork.
First, let me thank Samizdata for the link. That was awfully swill of you guys. Just a note about that shot ~ it was the working board for the design, which has turned out quite nicely we think, on the t shirts as well as our mugs.
Again, thanks loads .
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