[T]here is not much future in being a gatekeeper when the walls are down.
– the final words of this article by Jack Kelly about the travails of old school journalism
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Samizdata quote of the day[T]here is not much future in being a gatekeeper when the walls are down. – the final words of this article by Jack Kelly about the travails of old school journalism January 4th, 2005 |
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Far more thoughtful than the previous Quote, but the author still misses the forest for the trees. Certainly the Old Democrat Media has suffered for their mendacity. No tears from me, but even the very best journals are not selling well.
Every author knows the truth–people don’t read so much anymore. I’ve watched my editors trade column-inches of text for visuals over the last decade. It’s a matter of survival. The resulting page layout problems have driven most publications to completely restyle.
My solution: Get a camera and be happy.
Kelly himself is inaccurate on one point: Dan Rather is not unemployed. Though he is giving up his seat as anchorman of the CBS Evening News as of March, he will still be broadcasting his forgeries on the news show “60 Minutes II.”