Environmentalism is the banging shithouse door that the socialists are finally going to find themselves able to barge through and screw us all.
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Samizdata quote of the dayEnvironmentalism is the banging shithouse door that the socialists are finally going to find themselves able to barge through and screw us all. January 1st, 2005 |
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As I often remark – sometimes remark – remarked once after noting that a hymn was attributed to “Anon”: “And now we know why”.
Happy 2005 everyone. Illigitimi non carborundum.
Er, I think you could probably find a more upmarket quote for the day than that, Jackie.
Ha! That is brilliant!
Hope you will die of lung cancer. I’m sure you’ll find a reason why it’s the fault of you somehow strange concept of environmentalists/communists/EU/france/whatever.
I find the coincidence between the beleif that an unmotivated beurocrat can effect more positive outcomes in the choatic feedback of economic freedom (coerced collectivism i.e. socialism) and regulation effecting positive outcomes in the chaotic feedback of our atmosphere (i.e. environmentalism) .
Both are wrong. Both will kill. Both are based on the fallacy of the better beurocrat.
I see the old tradition of letting the pre-teens stay up late at holiday time, still lingers on… looks as though they have been at Grandmas sherry as well…
You got something against free market environmentalism?
Yes, the affects of the previous night’s activities do not seem to have dissipated by the time this quote was posted.
Imbecilic, but instructive. Although the structure of your quote is hopeless, it does show the difference between Conservatives and Libertarians.
In the US, for example, the systematic implementation of sewage treatment has been a scientific, cultural, and environmental triumph. Only a Libertarian would rather crap his pants.
((That’s how you write a metaphor.))
if the predictions of some of the more hysterial environmentalists are correct and the world does end up more or less inhabitable then we won’t be around to discuss whether the economy should be free-market-orientated or a planned-economy in any case. So, it doesn’t make much sense to ignore their concerns or ideology. if there are too hysterical and overblown, the way to deal with them is to look at the scientific case as to whether there is global warming, danger of resources being exhausted etc….
to be less glib, i don’t see environmentalism as particularly left-wing. after all, the environmentalist movements in the Eastern block emerged to criticise the horrendous environmental disasters that economic planners had created over there.
also, the base of support of green movements tends to be affluent, educated middle-class people. the base of the left tends to be low-to-middle income workers [albeit with some left-wing intellectuals]. the greens, with their plans for closing down factories and for cutting back on the consumption [when the poor have little to consume as it is] are not going to appeal to the average left-wing voter