He moves amongst us… in a Celica?!
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Cthuhlu… alive and well and living in Los Angeles?January 18th, 2005 |
![]() 18 comments to Cthuhlu… alive and well and living in Los Angeles? |
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I thought the Elder Ones always drove Buicks!
Since this is a nonsense post, I will take the liberty to remark on a very insightful essay at the Claremont Review titled “The Endless Party”. I accessed thru Powerline.
The analysis of liberal politics in the US is transferable in some ways to Britain and Europe, at least as far as the comments regarding the open-ended nature of its aims politically.
It is also an interesting article in relation to the previous post about when things were more or less free.
Excellent pointer, veryretired.
Clearly you are not very retired, and I’m glad for that. Perhaps ” my best days are past me, but I wouldn’t want them back, not with the fire that’s in me now!”?
Read it here http://www.claremont.org/writings/crb/winter2004/voegeli.html
Utterly pointless fact:
Many (ok, around 10, which is many in the context of computer games) there was a PC game called Ascendancy, where you could manage a number of planetary colonies.
Once your colonies had reached the point where there was nothing left to build, you could set them to behave in one of three ways – Scientist Takeover (to boost research), Alien Diplomacy (to boost diplomatic relations) and Endless Party (to make everyone happy).
I told you it was a pointless fact.
The above comment should begin “Many years ago”. Oh for the ability to edit comments!
Speaking of Cthulhu and computer games, there is suppose to be a new RPG called CoC coming out soon.
Too bad that card does not have one of the CoC bumper-stickers. (The one that mocks the Christian fish is my fave.)
That’s Cthulhu to you, Innsmouth denizen.
Maybe it’s a Federal car. Ahh! Cthulhu in the dreams of politicians…
Ia, ia, ftaghn.
1) Surely one of the Elder Ones would drive something with a bit more panache than THAT? A Toyota Celica is something you’d expect some lefty tree-hugging angel to be driving.
2) Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth – April 2005 release date.
What’s the matter, you never saw the TV show “Angel”? We all know that L.A. is pretty much the collecting point of all manner of other-worldly evil. As to panache, jeez, they all hung out in a cheezy karaoke/cocktail lounge.
There have been several tales of Cthulhu-related activity in the LA area. I believe that there were some rumours of a Temple of Dagon somewhere nearby (close to the water natch).
No, if there’s a Temple of Dagon anywhere, my money’s on Tilbury………..
A very lame, but still ugly Cthulhu, a.k.a. Barbara Boxer, was in the US Senate today hissing nihilistic comments at Condi Rice.
I’ve seen a few Cthulhu for President bumper stickers (why settle for the lesser evil?) around LA. 🙂
Cthulhu Tequila – Sometimes the worm eats you!
Or, if the topic is license plates, I saw one today, Purple Heart handicapped veteran – 2DM2DK.
Treagy inostu frepoinmux cthuthu (reds Cthuthu) vor trwifnt hlinternibrew fo iyb jretwi. Parn dfretyun bdriy se rewmenuyj cot yiup olflroppin ces.
i heard that once the pentogon was hit and released yog soggoth he flew over to L.A. and now resides at the Grove!!