This is depressing. Especially when I think that I survived communism without ever being fingerprinted…
– Adriana Cronin
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Samizdata quote of the yearThis is depressing. Especially when I think that I survived communism without ever being fingerprinted… December 21st, 2004 |
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I see Mr Clarke thinks that a national ID card will make life easier for millions of Britons. I didnt think there were that many bureaucrats in the UK.
Given Gordon Brown’s hiring policies, there soon will be. It is a sort of gerrymandering so vast that it is breathtaking. Forget Lady Porter’s shennanigans at Westminster Council. I think Gordon hopes that so many people will be sucking at the public teat that a Labour majority will be locked in place. Why should these tax eating turkeys ever vote for Christmas?
I am not sure how a national ID card represents a greater threat to British liberties than a government that has disarmed it citizens and a judicial system that makes it a crime for citizens to defend themselves.
The failure of Britains citizens to protest their disarming was the first step to establishing the Ministries of Peace and Truth. Once you join with the French and Germans in the new European Union the transformation into the wards of Big Brother will be complete.
I am not sure how a national ID card represents a greater threat to British liberties than a government that has disarmed it citizens and a judicial system that makes it a crime for citizens to defend themselves.
The failure of Britains citizens to protest their disarming was the first step to establishing the Ministries of Peace and Truth. Once you join with the French and Germans in the new European Union the transformation into the wards of Big Brother will be complete.
Politicians are not only losing their eyesights and blunkettish common sense … They will create an atmosphere to prove that George Orwell knew how crocodile tears of security would come in handy in the final act of the absurd play!
“Liberty is a food easy to eat, but hard to digest; it takes very strong stomachs to stand it.”
It may have been written in 1772, but Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s famous aphorism captures America’s ambivalent attitude toward freedom in 2004
No need to point out that Westminster is in London; we are well aware that Tony cares more for US $ than he cares for the pound or Euro dollar…
Could you tell more about surviving Communism? I’m curious.