To all our readers, Christmas greetings from the Samizdatistas on three continents!
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Christmas greetings from Samizdata.netDecember 25th, 2004 |
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Who Are We?The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling. We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe. CategoriesArchivesFeed This PageLink Icons |
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Merry Christmas
Here in a southern red state, I note more people greeting others with a “Merry Christmas!”, rather than the generic “Happy Holidays!”, that had become almost routine.
That’s a good sign that PCism is on its way out.
And to you also!
Merry Christmas from a suddenly snowy white South Texas :).
Snow in South Texas. Huh. Maybe the movie the Day After Tomorrow was right and we really are all doomed.
Ah to hell with it. Might as well go out this way instead of any other :).
Oh dear, I did overindulge. Three plateloads of turkey, lobster, red herrings, ham, etc, and then half of an entire Christmas pudding drenched in brandy custard….
Greed is good, and Gordon Gecko may have a point. Gluttony, on the other hand…
Merry Christmas from the Holy Land (and Happy Holidays, too;-P).
Wishing you all the best of Holiday* Happiness this Season. Here’s to a Freedom-filled New Year to you all!
And BTW, I hear it’s snowing back home!
Nolliag Shona
* – No, I’m not PC, I’m a secularist, sad I need to explain that. So shoot me. 🙂
They’ve got two to three inches of snow in semi-tropical Houston and their first ever white Christmas. Must be all this global warming.
Merry Christmas to fellow Samizdatas world wide!
What’s wrong with “Happy Holidays”??? It’s pleasant and cannot offend anyone except for the rabid Christian Right (not a prospect I’m going to lose sleep over).
In Poland, today it’s been around 7 to 8 degrees celsius part of the warmest December anyone can remember, so maybe Verity’s right.
Holiday = Holy Day.
Methinks perhaps the militant secularists need to go back to the drawing board.
Me thinks the Christians should actually know the roots of the word and quit their complaining about secularists using it. Secularists are quite well aware of what the word means, moreso it seems than the pios among us
The petis pois?
Because it’s not PC (Properly Conservative). Oh, how times (don’t) change.
Michael Farris – read my post.
There is no ‘global warming’. Houston has snow for the first time since white settlers arrived 250 years ago.
Global warming is a myth perpetrated by lefty idiots who want to destroy Western economies.
Merry Christmas to all lovers of freedom (we will fight about the details another time) from the very, very cold Chicagoland area.
Verity – I rated that book ‘The Skeptical Environmentalist’ by Bjorn Lomborg. Good for exploding a few myths. Oops, by “a few” I meant pretty much the foundation of the green movement.
Verity, I’m just trading anecdotes, snow in Texas, relatively warm weather in Poland (where it almost always snows around Christmas, and where it’s traditionally below zero for all of December).
Haven’t read Lomborg’s book, but in a BBC interview granted that climate change is occurring (warming) he just wasn’t sure about cause (human or natural) and effect (if it would be all that bad).
Michael Farris – “Climate change” occurs constantly. It is ongoing. Otherwise, the entire world would be fixed in the climate that applied on 6 June 1948 or 23 October 1702. It creeps around.
Given that manufacturing is the cleanest it has ever been, and cars are less polluting than they have ever been, if there’s any “climate change” (which there isn’t), it comes from all those hundreds of millions of third worlders crouched cooking over open charcoal fires and riding their idiot (noise polluting) two stroke motor bikes and their tens of millions of black diesel fumes-weathed buses.
Merry Christmas to one and all. When thinking of the festive season, I recall the story of how hardline atheist Ayn Rand used to surprise her friends by loving the whole show of Christmas. For her it was a festival of benevolence between human beings, a celebration of life. That’s how I think about it too. Also, despite my non-belief, I am a sucker for well-sung carols.
It is also a celebration of good port, which explains my stinker of a hangover this morning.
“hardline atheist Ayn Rand used to surprise her friends by loving the whole show of Christmas. For her it was a festival of benevolence between human beings, a celebration of life”
Well I think in English speaking countries there’s a long tradition of ‘true meaning of Christmas’ stories that don’t mention Jesus at all (or at most in passing). As a non-Christian I observe and enjoy the secular parts of Christmas, so when I wish people Merry Christmas, it’s that part that I’m wishing them (it would be strange of me to base my holiday wishes on religious rites and beliefs that I don’t share).
Verity, I certainly agree that the third world is the major source of pollution, but you seem to be saying that climate change is and isn’t happening. But never mind, it’s too late for Christmas, but have !un feliz y prospero an~o nuevo!
Michael Farris – Muchas gracias! Usted tambien!
A very happy Boxing day and a Happy New Year, if one should be happy on Boxing day, or is there another emotion involved? If happiness is not involved, then a very Merry second day of Christmas!
Perry, your post should have read “… on three continents and Britain!”
PS – to the courteous gentleman who wrote to me because he didn’t want to contradict me in public, yes, there really was snow on the ground in Houston. I should have said, incidentally, the first white Christmas since the settlers came to Texas. You are right, there have been minute flurry-ettes of snow before. When I lived there, they got a smattering of snow and they closed the entire school district. Houston drivers were slamming on their brakes in panic when a little snowflake drifted down onto their windscreens …
But this morning a friend got up and went to my old house and emailed me a photograph of it with a genuine snow-covered roof. Two or three inches, it looked like. And the shrubs were similarly shrouded. He said all the yards were covered in snow. This was in 77098 near the Greenbriar/Shepherd exit of 59.