In case you get caught short Down Under, the Australian government has a website to help you.
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Always ready to helpIn case you get caught short Down Under, the Australian government has a website to help you. November 27th, 2004 |
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That’s kinda useful. If ever I’m in Australia and need to pinch a loaf that could come in handy.
They might have to put it out of order afterwards and call in an army of plumbers but isn’t my convenience all that matters?
I usually use McDonalds. They have clean toilets, and are ubiquitous.
Did you see it’s part of the “National Continence Management Strategy”?
The “My Toilet Map” part with registration and all. Lovely, just lovely.
The Nanny state at its best.
I don’t think this is a Nanny state issue, but rather a small public service. Not as important as tracking hurricanes or epidemics, perhaps, but useful nontheless. If i ever get back to OZ maybe I can download the site on my mobile.
What is interesting is that I cannot see the US government doing such a thing. We Yanks are a bit more recticent about some bodily functions than other nations.