The Telegraph reports that an Iraqi-born gunman with a British passport, Mohammed Kasim, talked to an Iraqi translator in Fallujah about the latest video of Mr Bigley where he was shown shackled in a cage. Mr Kasim claimed that this had been staged to “terrify” the British public. There was no way of verifying the claim, particularly in a country awash with rumour and conspiracy theories.
The claims that the British hostage was free to roam his kidnappers’ home in Iraq and was “caged” only for terrorist videos coincide with a raid by Dutch intelligence officers of the home of Paul Bigley, Kenneth Bigley’s brother last, who lives in Amsterdam. He is accused of contact with the Tawhid and Jihad group, which yesterday claimed responsibility for Thursday’s killing of at least 35 children in Baghdad. Mr Bigley has been an outspoken critic of the Government’s handling of his brother’s case and has established his own contacts in the Middle East but denies being in direct contact with the kidnappers.
From yesterday news, Italy’s adoration of the “two Simonas” (Simona Pari and Simona Torretta), the women aid workers abducted in Iraq, began to sour yesterday, as the extent of their sympathy for the Iraqi fight against the allied occupation became clear.
After they were taken hostage on Sept 7, the two Simonas achieved iconic status in Italy and the conservative government and the opposition put aside their differences to work together for the women’s release.
But as the Turin newspaper La Stampa said yesterday, national unity has been short lived since their arrival home, wearing kaftans and thanking their captors in Arabic for their release before the cameras of the Al-Jazeera stellite television network.
There have been reports of a $1 million ransom… No matter, the girls are well versed in international law:
If you ask me about terrorism, I’ll tell you that there is terrorism and there is resistance. The resistance struggle of people against an occupying force is guaranteed by international law.
They have obviously become experts on the local situation – upon their return they gave their backing to insurgents opposing the allied forces. Alas, they did not seem to know about other hostages:
We didn’t know there were any other hostages. No one told us about the British prisoner, nor about the Americans who were beheaded.
Am I alone in wondering if there isn’t something distinctly odd about this Bigley case?
Wonder if it’s a setup?
They have obviously become experts on the local situation
my, they weren’t allowed to surf the net to learn all about the local situation from the blogoshperic experts! naughty kidnappers!
one of them has been an aid worker since before the invasion…
“one of them has been an aid worker since before the invasion… ”
For somebody so prone to find conspiracy theories behind ‘Bush’s war’ (judging by your blurb–sorry, blog), you seem to be seriously lacking perspective here…
…a clear case of Patty Hearst(Link) syndrome for those of us who remember the 1970s
just like those Japanese kidnapped and freed last year, something is fishy somewhere
Why should anyone be surprised that two women who were opposed to Coalition forces in Iraq somehow found themselves being used to score propoganda points against the Coalition? And being released quite unharmed?
It seems quite a coincidence, doesn’t it?